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Secrets fertilizer Geraniums iodine for lush flowering

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Like the other rooms of culture, geranium needs feeding. Instead of organics used for this purpose fertilizer. One of the useful components considered iodine.

Many housewives respond positively to such a facility and give him an important place in the cultivation of geranium.

According to them, the weakened plants are "alive" in his eyes, throws a deep color and a long time glad its beautiful views.

Iodine Benefits geranium

Geranium - unpretentious and hardy "one born". Iodine is necessary it is not to survive, but to improve the decorative properties. It stimulates the formation of a larger number of buds, because of what the bloom becomes long and lush.

Fertilizing iodine topical and, if geranium stunted or "sit still." Mineral beneficial effect on the autonomic processes.

He also participates in the prevention of disease and disinfects the ground in a pot, thereby reducing the risk of pests.

In short, iodine improves the vital functions of the plant, making it strong and sturdy.

Preparation of the solution

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In pure form too active iodine and quite toxic, therefore it is introduced into the ground only in the form of an aqueous solution. And this is exactly the case when comply with the recommended dosage is very important.

Excess concentrations can cause burns of the plant.

According to scientific experiments on 1 kg of soil fertilizing enough 0.1 mg. Supports a "cocktail" ready to forgive. In 1 liter of warm filtered water take 1 drop of 5% iodine pharmaceutical formulation is stirred.

Solution was added at the rate of 50 ml per each pot. Conveniently the liquid and to measure directly into the ground by means of a disposable syringe.

Secrets of the correct feeding

  • Plant pre-rearranged with the sun in the shade.
  • The soil should be kept moist, so a few hours spend watering.
  • The best time for fertilization - morning or evening, in cloudy weather can be in the afternoon.
  • Iodine solution was added over the walls of the pot so as not to burn the roots and trunk.
  • This procedure is repeated every 15-20 days.
Traditionally, growers do feed in the spring and summer. Dates back to the end of February, when the plant comes out of hibernation.

Timely support helps to save resources to the beginning of flowering. Not fed just bought a geranium or transplanted. She is given 2-3 weeks to adapt to the new conditions.

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