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Frozen beautiful Dracaena? Saving Rasen together

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Dracaena - a common beautiful houseplant. She thermophilic, for her comfort necessary to maintain the temperature of + 20-30 C. In such circumstances, the plant will not spoil this match.

In the winter dormant period at dracaena. At this time limited to watering and fertilizing. Winter dracaena can be supercooled.

How to save dratsenu

If dracaena cold, you need to determine that the victim of a flower - roots or leaves, and immediately begin saving.

The main activities are:

· In case of damage the root system, it is necessary to reduce the watering of the plants. Patients roots can not fully absorb the moisture, causing them to rot.

If such a problem is recommended to make watering, pouring a small amount of water in the tray instead of in the ground. Flower absorb the necessary amount of water to it.

· The frozen dratsenu recommended transplant and for two months when irrigation water to add Zircon (1 L water droplet 4).

· When the stem becomes soft to the touch, then you need to cut all the soft spots, using a sharp knife and alcohol.

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Alcohol is necessary for disinfecting the knife after each cut. The trunk should be cut to the point, it will de solid.

· If dracaena stood in a draft or frostbitten leaves, the pot should be moved to another location, where it is warm and light.

Podmerzli leaves will gradually dry up. After that, they carefully cut off with scissors.

After frostbite observe moderation in watering. In the spring, transplant the plant.

· An indication that the plant was frozen, is winding down leaves in a tube. To save the plants you must put it in a warm place and is often sprayed with warm water.

· Twisting and defoliation may indicate damage to the root system.

Then you need to transplant the plant. After examining the state of the roots, give them to dry, if they are too wet.

To keep the plant healthy, you need to take care, to create the necessary enabling environment. Dracaena thrives when the room is the temperature drop.

The plant is sensitive to cold and drafts. Dratsenu can not be put on the windowsill in the cold season or near the air conditioner.

Care and maintenance of the plant will not take long. Instead, the tropical beauty will delight and decorate the house for many years.

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