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How to root rozhdestvennik aka Dekabrist

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Rozhdestvennik and Zigokaktus, the Decembrists, Schlumberger - all names for the same flower. It should grow at least for the fact that he is one of the few plants blooming in the winter. Consider how you can root stalk rozhdestvennika.

breeding season

Procedure you can do at any time of year, but it's still best to make it in the spring. Blooming process does not take root, because flowering in plants takes a lot of forces that are necessary to build up the roots. Since March, rozhdestvennik usually do not bloom.

How to choose a stalk

Escape is selected for breeding healthy, with no scratches or other damage. It must consist of 3 separate elements.

It is desirable that it has already had small roots that mother plant forms its own.

Preparation for planting cuttings

Scion unscrewed by hand. For this, he pinch and gently gets out about the axis. At night it is placed in a dark place to dry.

When in situ formed film nipping - stalk ready for planting.

The soil

The soil can be purchased at a specialty store, and you can cook your own hands. If it is purchased, the selected substrate for cacti.

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With self-preparation is taken:

· peat;

· Ground sheet;

· Turf ground;

· River sand;

· Humus.

If not exactly these components, you can choose others. The most important condition - the substrate should be light, loose, air- and water-permeable.


Initially, the size of the pot must be small. Necessary in a large container there, as long as the roots are not opletut container cutting will not develop.

Planting process step by step:

· At the bottom of the pot is filled drainage;

· Half poured prepared substrate;

· In the center is a small indentation where the stalk is planted;

· Remaining pot filled with soil, which was then poured with warm water.

In one container can be planted a few plants. At the end of landing container covered with foil.

Conditions of detention

Pots with seedlings put in a warm but shaded space. Every day mini parnichok opened for ventilation for 20-30 minutes. According to irrigate as needed.

For a complete rooting seedling takes about 1 month. When the top of the beginnings of new segments, which means that rozhdestvennik began. After a while it can be transplanted into a pot slightly larger.

Thus, multiply Zigokaktus easy. In addition, also rejuvenated and the mother plant: the formation of new, younger segments in place prischipov.

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