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Yellowed leaves of a woman's happiness. We are struggling with the problem correctly

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Female Happiness, or Spathiphyllum, nepriveredliv and easy to care for. In inexperienced gardeners cases may occur when the leaves of the plant turn yellow and wither.

Color change

Yellowing of the leaves indicates that they lose the pigment responsible for photosynthesis. Part of the plant that have changed, become fragile, easily injured and eventually disappear.

In female happiness such changes are subject to not only the leaves but also cuttings from stems.


Save the flower can be, if you eliminate adverse factors. These include:

· Unsuitable climate;

· Fluid Oversupply or insufficient watering;

· Fungal diseases;

· The presence of pests;

· Lack of micronutrients.

Each of these reasons independently or in combination can lead to wilting or death of Spathiphyllum.

unsuitable microclimate

Spathiphyllum should be in a well lit place, but not in direct sunlight. By favorable parameters also include a high humidity and the room temperature not lower than 15⁰ C.

Oversupply liquid or insufficient watering

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When excessive fluid is watering flowerpot stagnates in and causes decay process. After inspection of the roots is necessary to remove the affected part of the plant and replant. On the bottom of the pot is required to lay drainage layer, and over it a new dry soil.

Dry soil also often leads to yellowing. If the soil for the plant contains a lot of peat, he can not allow moisture from the upper layers to the roots.

To help the plants need to flower otkisnut in the tank with water (about 20 minutes). Thereafter it is placed in a pot with a suitable primer.

fungal diseases

Suspect the presence of fungi can, if brown spots on the leaves are formed. In such cases it is better to cut off the affected parts of the flower, and apply fungicides.

The presence of pests

To identify pests easy - just view the plant in good light. To eliminate them is sufficient to use ordinary soapy water or drugs insecticides.

Prior to the application of flower endure in a ventilated area.

Lack of micronutrients

Yellowing of the entire plate at once shows a lack of minerals. This problem occurs more often in colors that are purchased recently and has not yet been replanted.

To enrich the soil used complex fertilizers or magnesium sulfate.


To plant leaves are turning yellow it is necessary to adhere to the following guidelines:

A. Follow the moist soil and watered with warm water defended.

B. Observe favorable for plant microclimate parameters - temperature above 15⁰S, no drafts, sunny places.

C. Make regular fertilizer.

Yellowing does not always speak of plant diseases. The withering away of the lower leaves only attributed to natural processes, after which the new leaf plate.

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