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6 beautiful indoor plants, which are difficult to destroy

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For novice gardeners, who often leave home and can not take care of your plants, this article will describe the most unpretentious variety.


This ornamental plant is very resistant to low ambient temperatures up to 19 degrees. Ficus do not require frequent watering. But the plant loves light, so it is recommended to place it in a lit area.

Fertilizer is made from the first days of spring until mid-August.


Aloe does not require copious irrigation. During the summer, enough to water once every 7-8 days. In winter - 1 times in 15-17 days. the room temperature should be no lower than 15 degrees for the full development of the plants.

But aloe requires access to sunlight.


Macrophylla mnogolistnik absolutely unpretentious. At the height it can reach up to 6 meters. But, unlike the aloe and ficus need to put in a place where you do not penetrate the sun's rays.

Monster does not need the temperature below 16 degrees, so that it can fully grow. Frequent watering is not necessary - enough of one every 8-9 days.

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Many choose as undemanding ornamental plant Monstera it because it because of its Large sheets can produce enough pure oxygen in large quantities, especially in the daytime days.

The plant also has a positive effect on the nervous system of people living in the house.


Chlorophytum - undemanding beautiful flower, which is known as a room air filter. It is enough sunlight and watering once a week. Flower can grow in a shady place. Special care is needed.

But at the root sprouting, flowers must be transplanted. Fertilize no more than once a month.


Epipremnum or Potos is characterized by the rapid growth of, as there was a family of liana. It withstands temperatures up to 17 degrees.

The main thing is to plant a flower in a pot large enough. Soil should have low acidity and low moisture content.

Potos watering is not necessary even once every 8-9 days.


Home variegated variety that is very common in Russia. It does not require special care. In the summer, it is only necessary to spray water flower leaves. Very fond of sunlight.

The only drawback is the poison plants. It is not necessary to grow croton, if a family has children and animals.

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