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"Bathing" violets. process Features

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"And is it possible to bathe violets?" - asked novice growers. Not only possible, but necessary. plant respiration is carried out through the stomata on the leaves. If the plant is a long time not to wash, they are clogged with dust. Then the flower hard to breathe. Violet also need to bathe, but this should be done cautiously.

Features procedures

There are several rules that must be followed for the safety of violets during and after bathing:

· Before water treatments need to wrap the pot with foil or plastic bag under the leaves. In order to land is not eroded.

· The water should be warm. Too hot or too cold water is harmful to the plant.

· It is best to wash the violets before flowering period. You can do it in the growing season, but then need to make an effort not to get water on the flower stalks.

· Heavily contaminated plants can be washed with soap or a neutral detergent.

Do not be afraid of this procedure, violets need it from time to time.

execution order

First you need to turn the water on and set the temperature. You can use the shower with the fine spray. The pre-wrapped pot with violet substitute a weak water pressure and start the procedure.

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Violet can be washed in two ways: simply spraying the leaves with water and rubbing the leaves with your fingers. If the plant is not very dirty, you can simply pour it with water.

For tough dirt, flower, wipe your fingers with soap and water. In the second method, violet should be well rinsed with clean water.

After the procedure, the plant is necessary to gently shake to remove large drops of water. Small droplets can be carefully collected with a paper towel or cotton pad.

Be sure to remove the water from the middle of the socket. You can use a cotton swab or a piece of cotton wool.

After bathing is forbidden to put the plant in the sun or in the draft. Direct rays of the sun after bathing can cause burns, as well drafts provoke the appearance of dark spots.


violet leaves are very soft and fluffy, so you need to take care of them. You can not rub them strongly, especially with a cloth or brush (yes, it happens sometimes!).

It is forbidden to dry violet hair dryer after washing. When using detergent during bath time, you can not use aggressive compositions.

Subject to all of the recommendations, the plant after a bath will look refreshed. Carefully conducted procedure flower very pleasant.

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