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How to grow anthurium from root suckers

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For the cultivation of Anthurium own hands to start to consider the rules of care for this plant. It is important not only to give him a proper watering and fertilizing, it is also necessary to prepare the substrate for its landing it.

To many, the germ of this flower can get in different ways who saw it and decided to grow the flower in yourself, and someone might give sprout friends or relatives.

Moreover, experience in the cultivation of this flower may not be because of this, most should be your intuition and disembarks him as He considers it necessary, for example, you can mix your own loose soil with rotted compost and sand here and will be ready for the substrate him.

Then it must be possible to mix and even steamed. After being sent to prison germ does not submit signs of life, but do not despair, soon it will begin to appear new leaves. And even a tiny germ can be a wonderful plant.

Watering and Fertilizing

This flower does not like the stagnation of water, so that during his transplant is necessary to lay a drainage layer. Watering can anturium about once every 4-5 days, but it is used to defend the water at room temperature.

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Slight drying of the soil for the plant not so bad. If on the contrary it pour its root system can start to rot, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry poryvatsya spots.

When the flower begins to bloom it is better not to spray, and next put a container of water. But after flowering will take place better not to spray the flowers, and the air around it.

The plant should be put on the light and warm place that will not be exposed to direct sunlight. Make fertilizer can be about once every two weeks, alternating sometimes with organic fertilizers. But most often used organic fertilization.


The plant can be transplanted in the spring before it starts to bloom, or in the fall after the bud. If the number of plants can be grown for transplantation to buy a universal primer.

And to destroy the pests, you can fill it with boiling water.


This plant is easily propagated by dividing the bush, because of this you can get a lot of root suckers. Seedlings need to be broken off from the parent plant. Damaged places must be sprinkled with powdered charcoal.

After they are allowed to dry in the shade for about 2 hours, and then can be planted in small pots with a diameter of 12 cm.

The first couple of days, it is not necessary to water, but only humidify the air around. You can then proceed with the watering should only do so with caution.

Seedlings begin to bloom in the same year. Anthurium blooms for a long time, the flowers can last up to two months, and sometimes longer.

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