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Winter flower - or how to properly care for the Decembrist

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Decembrist - a wonderful flower that can not be confused with any other plant. Small, dark green leaves and bright hanging bells, which bloom in winter - the main feature of this flower.

Decembrist - undemanding plant, but, despite this, the demands from the breeder certain knowledge that will help grow a healthy plant.

The basic rules of care for the Decembrist

To decembrist fully developed and blossomed - should follow certain rules:

· Dekabrist - a flower that loves the light, but getting to direct sunlight can cause the leaves of the plant burns. As the sun - could entail a delay flowering Decembrists.

· During the summer time period decembrist recommended to move out. In the fresh air, the plant begins to grow rapidly.

· In the summer, left the room Decembrist - needs spraying. To the plant does not suffer from dry air - near to give flower container with water.

· Dekabrist not need constant fertilizer, so you can feed the plant once a month 1.

· Do not abundantly watered Decembrists. Excessive soil moisture - can cause the process of rotting plant and its destruction. Flower - watered only after complete drying of the earth in which it is planted.

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Implementation of proper care Decembrist - will help the plant to fully develop and bloom profusely.

How to cure decembrist

Despite the strong vitality of the plant, as well as all the flowers - Decembrist is subject to various diseases. The first danger to the Decembrists - hiding in unsuitable soil.

In the land where the flower grows, may be bacteria that are deadly - dangerous for the Decembrists. Once the root system - they rapidly spread over the stems and leaves of the Decembrists.

A few days later, on the leaves of plants appear rotten areas.

Upon detection of this disease - it is necessary to take action immediately. One of the most potent drugs to help cope with the disease, it is considered -topaz.

The drug is quickly neutralize the second-Decembrist returns - to a full life.

Decembrist - a unique flower that can bloom all winter. Proper care and care for the plant - the Decembrists allowed to become a real decoration of any interior.

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