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Flowers on the balcony - the sick and injured who

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Balcony flowers more often than other plants suffer from various diseases and pests. As agents of many pathologies can act viruses, fungi, parasitic microorganisms.

Therefore, it is important to closely follow the flowers on the balcony, and when it detects typical signs begin treatment on time.

Diseases balcony plants

The most common diseases:

· Root rot

Plants infected with this disease very quickly fades or dries. Reveal its presence can be examined neck root of this signal rot spots at the base, which will eventually become larger.

By the development of root rot causes too frequent watering in combination with a low temperature;

· Gray mold

Such disease can be identified by mold, which covers the lower part of the plant.

Mold occurs due to frequent watering, or lack of color and lack of solar air circulation;

· Rust

It affects mainly violet, carnation, geranium. It appears yellow spots that are visible from the outer side of the sheet;

· Blackleg

Her appearance is a parasitic fungus, breeding in the soil. In this case the stem near the root of the neck becomes dark and then dries. The disease affects mainly asters and dahlias;

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· Muchinistaya dew

The fungus that occurs on the leaves, flowers or stems in the form of a white solid. Very quickly spread and destroy the plant.


Flowers, who live on the balcony, is constantly exposed to the adverse effects of various pests. These include aphids, which sits on top of the leaves, sucking the juice from them, and leaves on the surface of the adhesive film.

Aphid reproduces at high speed and in a timely manner if it is not detected, the flower dies.

Very dangerous for balcony plants spider mite, which has a very small size and is therefore difficult to detect. Parasitizes it advantageously leaves at the bottom side, as occurs usually in spring.

Apart from this there are often butterfly caterpillars or larvae of other insects, especially on Pelargonium and nasturtiums. Their presence indicates the holes in the leaves.

Thrips are also quite common. Are insects that lay their eggs on the underside of the leaves, resulting in this place formed small white spots. eventually leaves yellow and fall off.

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