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5 Reasons why Begonia dry leaves at the edges

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Begonia - one of the most common houseplants. Fans houseplants choose this flower because of its versatility, it is not fastidious in the care and there are plenty of options for flower color, will fit almost any decor. Also, there are types of begonias that do not bloom, but are simply interesting decorative leaves.

What to do if your flower suddenly began to wilt, turn yellow and curl the leaves? How to help him? To fix the problem, you need to understand the reason.

So there are 5 reasons why your favorite flower suddenly began to wither and disappear:

1. Not suitable place flower arrangements. Previously, the pot stood on the windowsill, and then you decide to knock out him on the balcony of the temperature drop and light quality of begonias can be ill, and the first sign - a yellow dry leaves.

2. Not properly selected pot. Try to give preference to plastic pots. Clay promote rapid drying of the soil in the lower layers, as well as very hot from sunlight, so the lower leaves may turn yellow and wither. Also check whether the size of the pots the size of the flower.

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3. Another problem of the plant may be neglected if the bait. Begonia is necessary to fertilize especially in the winter months and during the flowering period.

Bait is better to choose a high content of phosphorus and potassium, and buy in specialized stores.

Carefully read the instructions on the use of fertilizers. It is not right concentration of nutrients, but rather that their abundance also may hurt the flower.

4. Dry leaves of begonias can also due to pest attack. At first you can see in the leaf surface a white film, and then they start to dry, and disappearing plant.

Important time to help meet the challenge of a flower.

Damaged leaves must be removed, and the whole flower or spray solution murestana fundozola.

5. Another common reason that begonia leaves disappear - it's not the right soil. It is impossible to transplant a flower in any soil that is under your windows.

It is best to buy land in specialized stores, where the soil is cleared of parasites, enriched with useful trace elements, as well as its composition is ideal for flowering plants.

Even if you have eliminated all of the above reasons, and the flower continues to disappear, it is likely the case in the wrong care.

Review your method of caring for houseplants, you may just nedolivaete water in flower or conversely much it is poured.

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