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Care Ficus Ginseng at home

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Ginseng Ficus (Ficus microcarpa ginseng) quite unpretentious in growing houses. The nature of this type of plants are found in subtropical forests and reaches 25 meters in the home of its size will depend on the capacity in which you planted it.

If you want to ficus growing faster then immediately select a pot bigger. For the maintenance of the plant is sufficient to understand a few basic points.

The soil

On the bottom of the pot is poured concrete block, then keeps the bulk of the soil, the top layer is made of sand.

You can buy in the store ready soil for figs, or do it yourself on the basis of a neutral acidity of peat and leaf mold with the addition of river sand.

It is also permissible to add a small amount of charcoal.


Lighting should be average. From direct sunlight the plant is better to save, but also quite into the shade should not be put. Suitable room with windows on the sunny side, but the pot should be placed away from the window sill.

Temperature and humidity

Since a plant native to subtropical and cold, it does not like to leave it in the room where less than 15 is not recommended. The upper temperature limit may be up to 25.

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But it is necessary to maintain high humidity. If the room air is dry, the ficus need to spray warm water on a daily basis.


In the summer it is recommended to water 1-2 times a week in winter - 1 time per week and a half. If the soil is not dried out, it is better to postpone irrigation, waterlogging is bad for the plants roots.


To feed used by turns liquid mineral and organic fertilizers. You need to feed twice a month from April to the end of September.


There are four ways. The easiest - cuttings. 8-10 cm cut off the top of the stem with 4-5 leaflets on it. Then, cutting is placed for several hours in water to rid it of excess juice.

Water, if necessary changes (if it follows a lot of juice). After that, the stem is dried and planted in soil usual for ficus in the room with warmth.

To maintain the humidity becomes a mini-greenhouse made of glass or film. Each day, the plant should be ventilated.

The second way - the root cuttings. Cut off the root of the need to put in the ground to 2-3 cm is left on the surface. A method care is the same as the conventional cuttings.

The third way - to air layering. It is rarely used, as it is more difficult. An incision is made in the bark, and to place cut using an edible film or gauze primatyvaetsya wet sphagnum moss. Moss needed to maintain moist and ventilate. When the branch is cut the roots and planted in the ground.

The fourth way - seeds. He's not that complicated, but rubber plants do not always bloom in the home. If, however, managed to get the seeds, they are planted in the same peat and leaf soil and covered with foil.

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