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Growing achimenes at home. The subtleties of the process

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Long-term bloom, and a variety of colors - that's what florists like achimenes. Withered buds immediately replaced by new ones, thereby preserved the continuity of flowering. Grow it is not difficult at home.

The temperature and lighting

Achimenes thermophilic, so if it is grown in the open air, in late summer it is necessary to bring into the house. The optimum temperature for his - 22-24 ° C.

It prefers well-lit place, but without hitting the bright rays of the sun. When buds gets too much light, they quickly fall off. Also the leaves can get burns from the sun's glare.

Watering and fertilizing

During flowering the soil should be watered abundantly, but not pereuvlazhnyat it. Spraying achimenes not required from him stains remain on the leaves. It is better to put a pot with a plant in the pan with a wet gravel or expanded clay.

Fertilize actively growing and blooming bush needed 1 every 10-14 days. Used feeding complex for flowering plants.

The rest period

Achimenes one of those green spaces, which necessarily need a period of rest. To bush was ready for a new flowering, it needs to rest. During this period, the surface portion peredyhaet and forms underground rhizomes (roots).

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Watering at this reduced feeding are not made. The branches do not need to cut, they hold to the rhizomes nutrients.

Features achimenes

After the stems are dried up, they are removed, the pot with the plant is transferred to the winter in a cool room. Awakening will occur in late winter. Rhizomes need to get out of the old pot, shake off and transplanted to new soil.

Another way to store the tubers in the winter - digging them out of the container, drying and laying in packages with vermiculite. Watering at this time it is needed.

They are stored as cool, laid out in a box.

Rhizomes, similar to bumps - this is a feature achimenes. In Depending on the variety, they are long, round and short. Rhizome easily move away from the stem.

They are fragile, but their failure is not critical: each piece will give a new sprout.

Reproduction by rhizomes similar to potato cultivation: 1 tuber planted and dug a few. That there were many, and they have grown large, is selected in a volume pot.

achimenes roots are formed independently, florist you only need to provide a plant suitable for him conditions of detention.

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