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5 best species for cultivation of geranium home

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This undemanding plant is easily propagated and is quite a long time to please its owners petals of different shapes and colors. The genus Geranium has approximately 250 species, almost all birthplace is South Africa. As a rule, pelargonium is presented in the form of bushes, whose height does not exceed the average sizes.

The best types of geranium to grow at home

1. zone

This houseplant provides extraordinary color of the leaves. Steel plate is greenish brown and framed border. This type of geranium is very popular and widespread, as well as more than a thousand varieties.

Zonal geraniums can be not afraid to buy houses, even if it is generally the first flower on the windowsill. He was the most unpretentious in the care and buds will entertain quite a long time.

2. angels

The flowers of this species of geranium home violotsvetnye and somewhat reminiscent of pansies flower, there is also a double Angels more similar to roses. Plant height of about 35 cm.

This type of geranium is unpretentious, but require regular pruning, since so formed a magnificent plant with lots of flowers. Color buds the most diverse.

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3. royal

This type of room geranium will be interesting to every grower. The main advantage of this plant - bright buds of various colors. the petals form a terry or wavy.

Flowers at the Royal geranium is quite large, and because they are collected in paniculate inflorescences, the overall picture looks simply huge.

Hue buds never the same color - is closer to the core in color added dark blotches. Can also be bordered veins or different shade.

4. unique

The main difference between this variety Pelargonium home - beautiful flowers streaked and drawings. The leaves of this plant are also noteworthy, as they are decorative.

Geranium leaf has its own special flavor that can vary depending on the variety. Fragrant leaf disks - one of the main characteristics of this type.

5. dwarf

Hybrid varieties of geranium must not ignore the home greenhouse. The optimal embodiment in this case will be dwarfed instances. The main and indisputable advantage of them - do not require pruning.

Flowering perennial geranium bedroom profusely, despite the fact that the bush is very tiny. This flower is beautifully fit into the composition of house plants on the windowsill.

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