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Learning to deal with pests and diseases correctly Dracaena

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Dratsenu love and novice growers and professionals for simplicity, the beauty, exoticism. But, like any green space, Dracaena is subject to various diseases and pest infestation. Consider the most frequent of them and their control measures.


Drying of lower leaves of dracaena - the natural process of aging. But if you turn yellow and dry up the young - it speaks about any illness.

powdery mildew. The plant becomes like powdered with flour, the leaves appear white spots. To get rid of this scourge leaves are washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then milled sprinkled activated carbon. Finally dratsenu need to sprinkle a little fungicide solution.

bacterial blight. leaf tissue and stem soften, become watery. To help the plant, it is necessary to remove from the pot, prune the affected roots, place them in a 0.5% solution of liquid Bordeaux. Sprinkle wood ash root system and replant the plant into a new pot. Several months to water-0.5% EM lake solution.

Fusarium. Characterized by the appearance of spots on the leaves yellow, wilt top. As a measure to combat the plant is rinsed, removed the affected areas. Slices sprinkled disinfectant powder. Then they spray the leaves and ground shed any fungicide.

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In addition to diseases, a lot of trouble to owners deliver flowers and pests Dracaena.

Scale insects. It appears on pieces of paper in a brown growths. With this pest is not difficult to fight: they can be wiped off with a damp cloth sheet, then rinse the whole plant with soapy water.

thrips. Leaflets discolored, on the inner part thereof appear black dots. Control measure: washing the plant with soapy water. Then dratsenu necessary to cover the plastic bag and hold it so a few days, winding periodically. If this method did not help fight, sprinkle the plant with a solution of any bioinsecticide.

In addition to these pests can attack dratsenu spider mite, mealybug, aphid.

Measure to combat all about the same: the plant wash, sprinkle with a solution of a biological product (eg, Fitoverm, Dachnik).

For plant disease prevention need to properly contain the following: the soil should not be too wet. If the roots are damaged part, after processing it can be transplanted into another pot, if missing - cut off the tip, root, the rest of the hive is destroyed.

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