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We grow a decorative Christmas tree in a pot: the intricacies and peculiarities

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To every New Year do not buy large spruce, which is particularly problematic in small apartments, it is possible to buy a small fir tree in a pot. After the feast, in the spring, it can be planted at their summer cottage.


To acquire the content in an apartment a better dwarf varieties. The most popular and appropriate ones: Maxwellii, Will's, Little Gem.


Good will thrive in well-lit area, but the bright rays of the sun brings bad: thorns may fall, the new will not grow in their place.


Winter Christmas tree should be kept in a cool place. During this period, she needs rest. She calmly withstand temperatures down to 0 ° C, the main thing - do not give a freeze earthen coma.

The soil

The soil must be acidic. It can be purchased at a flower shop or cook yourself. To this mixed garden land with soil taken from the Christmas tree crops added perlite, sand.


When the tree is a little older, it can be propagated. Seeds are sown in a shallow container, which is then contained in a cool place. A year later, their height seedlings will be - 15-20 cm.

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Another way - cuttings. Selectable escape length of about 6-7 cm, is planted in acidic soil, covered with film. After a while it will take root and go into growth.


To herringbone grew lush with bright green needles, it requires careful maintenance.


In the warm season watering should be plentiful. However, waterlogging, as well as drying is not allowed. In winter, watering is much reduced. The plant needs periodical spraying with water, especially in the hot summer, and when the content of close to radiators.


Herringbone not need force to restore the crown and the formation of the fruit, so frequent fertilizing it is not required. It is enough to fertilize 1 time in summer mineral dressings. Useful items needed for the growth of shoots.


This procedure carries a plant heavily. Clod of earth for the transplant should not crumble, must not denude the roots. Christmas trees are transplanted in the spring, 1 every 2 years.


Although the Christmas tree grows slowly, but it will still need to periodically pruning. The first pruning is done in the spring in order to remove the damaged, dry twigs. Second, forming - in the summer, after the growth of young shoots.

Herringbone is considered difficult to grow a plant, but a positive result of blue-green beauty will decorate the room, and in the future, and a garden plot.

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