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Why Anthurium (male happiness) is not blooming. We solve the problem together

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Men's happiness - a kind of anthurium. The flower is very showy appearance, the plant need a certain time to adapt. It does not give colors the first time, and many people buy it just for them. Do not panic. It is better to provide him with the growth conditions, and quietly wait for the result.

When the flower will hold in the new house two years - bud appears. This indicates compliance with the rules of care. You can figure out what to do if anthurium too long gives inflorescences.

At home, there are certain problems.

Caring for Anthurium

What conditions are required? flowering delays may be several reasons. There are a number of important factors. Most often incorrectly chosen pot size. It is also important to choose the right soil, to organize a rational lighting, appropriate temperature levels and humidity. Consider the requirements in more detail.

Capacity of container - one of the important conditions. The family of epiphytes, which belongs to the anthurium, in nature grows on the trunks and branches of trees. They get the nutrients you need directly from the environment.

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Weak roots will not be able to withstand a large load. Choose a small pot. Soil around the roots sprinkled as little as possible. Then the aboveground part of the flower grow healthy.

The root system develops over time, its volume increases. It is necessary to compare the amount of soil and the age of the plant. Than it is under - the less pick the pot.

Lighting - a very important factor. It conforms to the rules:

· Direct sunlight should not fall on him.

· Light deficiency destroy anthurium.

· A good choice - window at the trees grow.

· On the south side achieve the minimum lighting (there are cases where other opportunities to place anthurium is not there.

· If there is insufficient light pick fluorescent lighting.

· In winter, the right lighting - no less than 9 hours.

· In the summer the necessary time - 12 hours.

Is it dangerous to waterlogging

The answer is - yes. Watering moderate organize. The plant has a peculiar symptom - when excess water is "crying." On the foliage and petals formed drops, similar to dew.

Through the soil moisture enters the anthurium. When it is observed a characteristic symptom of an overabundance. Then we should get rid of it. For example - the replacement of soil in the new one. Guttation often observed before the rain, it is typical in the family Araceae.

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