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How to recognize pests violets and how to fight them

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Violet - a houseplant. So he parasites harm much less than the vegetables or fruit, grown in the fresh air. But the likelihood of infection is still high.

The most active period for pests - May and September, and it was then that the most just to meet these uninvited guests.

Man can bring them on your clothes, vegetables and fruits, just bought at the store, at the new plants. As pests may enter the house through the open windows.


The symptoms of the disease violets can determine not only the fact of infection, but also a specific pest, which spoils the favorite plant.

And the signs are as follows:

1. The white spots on the leaves means that violet settled thrips, which form numerous colonies on the bottom of the sheet. These pests feed on plant sap and opened anthers. Because of this, the flowers wither quickly.

2. Damaged areas, which over time become red and white patches on the rhizome. The combination of these symptoms indicate contamination violet scale insects. The disease can occur in a hidden form. Scale insects can be detected only at times when removing the pot of violets.

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3. Small sunken spots on the reverse side of the leaves, which can be red or brown color. Sometimes they are covered with a thin layer of the web. This sign speaks of infected plants by microscopic mites. If no action is taken, the leaves become brittle and stop buds to form.

But the most dangerous pest of violets - nematode. About her appearance says damage to the socket.

What to do with pests?

To destroy thrips, you need to cut off the damaged flowers and flower buds of a drug to treat violet "Kondifor" and "Akhtar" immediately after the discovery of the parasite, as well as 10 days.

To get rid of scale insects is necessary to pull the plant from the pot, remove all the contaminated soil, treat the rhizome with "Aktar", and in the soil, add "Bazudin" three times every 10 days.

Destroy the mites is very simple. First violet wash under running water at room temperature and then treat the infected places "fitoverm", and then this procedure was repeated after 10 days. Well, in order to prevent recurrences, regularly wash plant.

To get rid of nematodes, it is necessary to transplant the flower, the pre-processed fresh substrate preparation "Fitoverm" in powder form and follow the acidity of the soil, so that PH value does not exceed 6.5.

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