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Melaleuca or Tea Tree: Features of cultivation and care

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Tea tree oil is known for its essential oil has antiviral and antibacterial effect. It is considered not very difficult to grow, but still florist you need to know some of the features of its cultivation.

Conditions of detention

Under natural conditions, Tea Tree (Tea Tree) is growing in a damp environment. Therefore, in the home maintenance it requires abundant watering with warm water in the spring and summer. In autumn and winter soil moisture is significantly reduced. Plants require daily spraying.

Lighting should be bright, but without getting to the foliage of sunlight. If the bush enough light, it can bloom twice a year. When the shading branches of tea tree are drawn, the leaves may fall off.

Summer will feel well at +23 and + 25 ° C in winter, it is desirable flower pot stand in a cool place. The optimum temperature of the content during the cold season + 10 ° C.

care of plants

To plant looked neat, aesthetically and effectively you need to follow certain rules of care.

1. pruning

Tea tree it is required all year round. The plant can be formed as a tree or shrub. The first pruning is done at a height of 10 cm. Then trimmed every shoot as long as the green plantings not acquire the desired shape.

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2. Transfer Tea Tree is made every year in the spring. The procedure is accomplished by a handling pot slightly larger in volume than the previous one. Adult plants can only crop roots and replacing the topsoil.

3. Fertilizer bush should begin in the spring, when it starts to build up a lot of green. 1 Fertilizing is done every 2 weeks of complex drugs.

4. Fighting against diseases and pests

Tea tree can attack pests: spider mites, mealybug and others. To save the plant from them, it is necessary to spray the solutions fitoverm, Akarina, Aktelika.

When the overflow water can rot the roots, with the sunlight - to turn yellow and fall off the leaves. When addressing the causes of the poor state of the bush, he had some time to come back to normal, begins again to increase green mass.

With a favorable content of Tea Tree produces oval or globular inflorescence white or yellowish color, a bit like a broom or brush.

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