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Subtleties of care at home

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Chrysanthemum - a beautiful flower of the family "Asteraceae". This plant, which is often blooms from August to the cold autumn. Flower unpretentious care, can be grown at their summer cottage or in a pot on a window sill creating coziness. And he will be a good gift for lovers of flowers.

There are many different types of chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemum room - this is often low plant that looks very nice in the pot and will be a perfect decoration of any window sill.

To plant happy and had a beautiful well-groomed appearance is necessary to adhere to certain requirements.

Home care for chrysanthemum

The best place for chrysanthemums in a pot is a cool, well-ventilated room or balcony.

1. Lighting and temperature

This cold-loving flower that blooms to deep frost. At home, it is best to observe the temperature range up to 15-18 degrees.

If the air temperature is above a flower begins to fade, the leaves turn yellow, and chrysanthemum blossom ceases. It is important that the room is well lit, because the plant like it when a lot of light.

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But, do not forget to hide it from the sun, because it adversely affects the condition and appearance of chrysanthemum.

2. Soil, watering and spraying

For chrysanthemums in pots fit well ordinary garden soil or a universal purchase. For the looseness can add peat or humus to create, so to speak good drainage layer, so that no stagnant water in a pot.

During the period when chrysanthemum blooms it needs to be fed mineral additives. Watering is necessary 1-2 times a week, so that the flower was constantly wet and the soil does not dry up. Contraindicated abundant watering plants.

Humidity is also very important in home care chrysanthemum. Regular spraying home "handsome" is extremely necessary.

3. Grafting and pruning

Transplant chrysanthemum home to a year needed annually, the larger specimens every two years. It is desirable at a time when the flowers have faded. The pot should be wider than the diameter of previous 2-3 centimeters.

Repot it easily enough, basal system, together with the ground carefully placed in the new pot, slightly compacted soil and watered.

Also, from time to time it is necessary to cut the flower, he was of the same shape and looked lush and well-kept.

If you follow these simple rules for home care chrysanthemum, you can be sure that the flower will please you for a long time.

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