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Swordplay petunias. All the secrets and subtleties of the process

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Delaying sparring petunias, this procedure without taking into account the features of the plant or the rejection of its implementation contributes to stopping the growth of seedlings and plants decreased immunity. For information on how to carry out the pick correctly, you will learn in this article.

Defining the concept of "swordplay"

Swordplay petunia flower is a transplant seedlings from small containers, which was carried out sowing seeds in deeper reservoirs.

A good time to transplant

Producing the pick recommended at the first two or three leaves. By this time the seedling roots have developed enough in order not to be damaged during transplantation.

Pros picking a flower

The roots of the flower less intertwined. A plant that has passed through this procedure, it is easier to dive on a permanent place of growth, without damaging the fabric parts of the seedling.

Transplanting can slow the growth of the indoor flower and its development. This procedure should be done if the grower is afraid that the seedlings outgrow.

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Due to the lateral roots of the underground part of the plant is rapidly developing. It grows strong, rarely gets sick and becomes more resistant to the capricious weather conditions.

When infecting a houseplant pests swordplay seedlings allows you to save those who are not yet under attack by pests. Healthy sprouts in this case, are transplanted into containers with the new breeding ground.

Transplanting houseplant provides a chance to get rid of the weakest seedlings before they turn into adult sickly plants.

The procedure for picking plants

Before performing this procedure should be to prepare the accessories like:

· Fresh substrate;

· Blade or knife with a blunt blade;

· Peat pots, plastic disposable cups, small containers or inyeneglubokie vessels;

· Sprayer.

A pick carried out in stages:

1. Prepared in advance by a vessel filled with a nutrient medium.

2. A dull knife or spatula in the center of the substrate hole making.

3. The recess is filled with water, purified household filter.

4. Using a spatula or blunt knife, carefully removed the seedlings. To this end receding from the axial body for five millimeters.

5. Seedlings with clods of earth are placed in holes made in the substrate, is filled from above the nutrient medium and its tamped.

6. Fill the gaps formed in the substrate.

7. Sprayed moisture from pulverizatorana seedlings.

So, competently and promptly made swordplay flower will reduce the entanglement of the root system and to strengthen it, suspend the development and growth of the plant, improve the immune system of the flower, save the healthy shoots in the attack of pests and quickly weed out weak seedlings.

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