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Grow aloe vera at home properly. practical advice

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This plant is so popular that he had been on the windowsill in every kitchen. It would seem that familiar with the cultivation of any grandmother. But this is not as simple inhabitant of the desert.

Soil and fertilizing

Aloe can survive in the most severe conditions, ready to grow even on the ashes of the volcano. But artificial fertilizers when growing is better to exclude.

To prepare the ground for two-fifths of humus added a fifth sheet, a humus and sand as much. It would be nice to add charcoal and crushed brick, the mixture turned loose and not sour.

Peat mixture is not needed, it inhibits the growth of aloe. If you do not want to cook the mixture on their own, you can buy special soil for succulents. Universal mixture will not fit.

It must be admitted that in a pot of aloe is limited in the amount of soil, its strong roots quickly deplete.

Feed the plant optimally special mixtures for succulents. Also suitable as feeding irrigating water, which was washed buckwheat or rice.

Lighting and watering

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Sunlight is needed the plant from burns sheet protects dense shell. Poured warm water, slightly dampening the upper part of the soil. Then pot placed in a shallow container with water.

The main root mass collected at the bottom of peas, so watering tray through optimal plants without blurs topsoil. In the summer months watered once a week in winter enough once a month. Water for irrigation are taking soft-settled or filtered.

When watering is important to make sure that water does not stagnate in the axils of leaves and at the point of growth. Dusty leaves with a damp cotton pad or tissue.


Reproduction Aloe obvious and simple. Transplanted basal shoots. Every year near the main stem there is abundant growth of young plants, which is desirable to remove, so as not to deplete the soil.

You can rooting side branches or cut the stem to the cuttings. The error is rooting them in a jar of water. This desert plant needs several days to dry and then to implant in a suitable soil.

An interesting feature of aloe - a love for fresh air. If the outdoor temperature does not fall below 15 degrees Centigrade, it can be taken out for a walk or to leave on the balcony.

How would you have carefully looked after the aloe, flowering at home are rare. That's what the people called him agave.

Of course, it is necessary to forgive him for this lack of ease of care, exotic looks and amazing beneficial properties. Let aloe is always a welcome guest at every window sill!

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