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Marking the foundation under the house

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Anyone who regularly reads FORUMHOUSE He knows very well that from the foundation of reliability largely depends on the life of the home and the comfort of living in it.

One of the most important steps that directly affect the quality of the base becomes pravilnayarazmetka foundation. Recently, for this increasingly used modern measuring devices. Of course, a theodolite or laser level significantly facilitate construction work.

However, each developer will be useful basic skills for manual marking of the foundation.

Where marking the foundation begins?

The first thing that comes to mind - nastrogat pegs stock strong cord, a tape measure, understand, gidrouroven how it works, and you can proceed to markup. Is it really?

For quality mark foundation of the house is necessary to make a plan that includes two successive steps:

1. No matter what kind of foundation is required for the project - a belt, or a slab pile, you first need to find out the exact property line.

2. Then, on a piece of paper tied to the foundation area. Necessary beforehand to take into account the estimated location of farm buildings, the distance to the neighbor fence, a septic tank, a well or wells. And only after that you can begin marking the foundation of "in kind".

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This step will keep SNIP 30/02/97, regulates the distance from home to the neighboring land borders.

Learn about the minimum distance between adjacent buildings can be in this topic.

Gexx (Member FORUMHOUSE):
- The layout of the foundation I started with, retreated 5 meters from the red line on the border area.

To mark the foundation you will need:

  • roulette;
  • Lace - skein of strong cord or fishing line;

When marking the foundation is better to use the cord. Against the background of grass or land line was visually is lost, while the white cord clearly visible.

  • pegs;
  • wooden frame, or, as it is called - "bench".
almost pros(Member FORUMHOUSE):
- As best use laces nylon yarn is 1.5-2 mm thick, since it is well tightened and does not sag.
Vitalyalya(Member FORUMHOUSE):
- When marking the foundation I used polypropylene filament of 1 mm thickness. it differs increased strength.

"Footstool" - your assistant with marking of foundation

"Footstool" greatly simplifies and speeds up the foundation layout. Her knock together two wooden bars. The lower ends are tapered, and the top and middle of the nail two horizontal bars. For greater stability at an angle to the posts nailed two thrust plates. It turns out a triangular base. The two self-tapping screw the bar, which then fastens the strap.

Of course, a simple and small foundation you can mark, scoring only pegs. But if it comes to a complex foundation - under the big house, the "bench", by which is posting the foundation, is a must.

The number of "benches" increases in direct proportion to the complexity of the foundation.

Screwing or twisting screws into the bar, at different distances width can be adjusted from each other between the cord, which should correspond to the width of the foundation cushion.

Checking geometry when the markup foundation

So, we decided where the foundation will be erected on the site. We prepared all the necessary tools and materials. Now you need to determine the angle of the base, which will set the future direction of the wall. At this point, hammered a peg. Then, departing from the peg 1- 2 meters, set "bench".

The indentation is required in order that, when excavating, for example by strip foundationThe frame does not interfere with digging techniques to maneuver and do not fall into the dug trench. The width of the trench is dug well with a margin with respect to the tape width of the foundation for the smooth installation of the formwork!

After installing the benches on the screws attached cord. After that is metered by the peg required us to distance, which is usually equal to the longest wall of the house. At this point, trying to drive the second peg, set the second "stool", at the same distance from the peg as the first, and pull cords.

- Installed posting is left to the end of all foundation work. Thanks to the indentation of the foundation, the thread can be removed and tighten as necessary.
dyatka(Member FORUMHOUSE):
- If a lot of benches, then make all the points should not immediately. Due to the large amount of lace is only hinders the work.

At the outset it is important to mark the foundation to put a right angle between the alleged walls. If this is not done immediately, the omission can lead to disastrous results.

EvgeniyT79(Member FORUMHOUSE):
- Before you start to dig a trench for the foundation, we have carefully remeasure all diagonal foundation. Dimensions agreed. But after the installation of the formwork it turned out that one of the parties foundation smaller than the other by 40 cm! How could this happen?
Hooter(Member FORUMHOUSE):
- This is called an isosceles trapezoid. With this figure, even though all diagonals have converged, the foundation will still get the curve.

Line, the sides of which are equal, called the isosceles or equilateral. In an isosceles trapezoid diagonal are the same, but the angle is not equal to 90 degrees.

How to get the right angle when marking the foundation?

To do this, we remember the Pythagorean theorem: the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

To find the right angle when marking foundation must use the formula: 3² + 4² = 5².

The essence of the formula is as follows:

If the measure of one side of the foundation - 3 meters, and in the other - 4 meters, then at an angle of 90 degrees between them equals the diagonal - 5 meters.

Using this proportion, it is possible to mark angles all around the foundation.

- I tried to put right angles lasers, but diagonally got easier and more accurate.

To simplify the layout of a right angle, can be put together beforehand triangle with the right sides of the boards or to weld together the segments of reinforcement.

Thus, when marking the foundation of the main thing - to measure seven times and once to dig out!

To learn how to correctly mark the foundation and to avoid mistakes, you can read here and here. Everything you wanted to know about the layout of the pit under the plinth, is in this topic.

For information on how to correct the "reefs" have bought the house, read here. And this video you will learn how to transform a problematic foundation for the old house.

Discuss the article and read other materials devoted to country life you can on the websiteFORUMHOUSE.

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