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What to do when the Ficus benjamina leaves resets

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Any grower can scare the sudden loss of evergreen - Ficus benjamina, its thick crown. It is known that the plant is unpretentious, but there are factors that can affect the well-being of the flower. Let us examine them in detail.

The causes of these problems with vegetation can be natural, but we can not exclude the possibility of incorrect care of the flower.

Each leaf has its own lifespan. Ficus benjamina leaves live approximately 36 months, after which, for natural reasons, are eliminated.

Like any living organism, Ficus benjamina can experience stress. Often, even the relocation of the store in the new housing the plant can react foliage reset. In such cases, experts recommend to create a resort for the ficus conditions: to establish a plant fitolampy and injections to maintain the humidity, set the tray for watering.

Ficus does not like to travel, so the choice of its habitat should be approached very carefully: it must be well and evenly lit, warm, but with access to fresh air.

Abscission of old leaves with simultaneous growth of new small leaf indicates a lack of nutrients in the soil. This problem reshaetudobrenie plants in spring and summer, every two weeks. Moreover, it is necessary to alternate fertilizer (organic and inorganic). Large plants rekomenduetsyamenyat topsoil and replant young once a year

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Ficus benjamina is also subject and disease. Alert the owner of the flower have yellow leaves, or even extraneous inclusions, as well as the presence of small insects on the plant.

In winter, the ficus is not so in need of moisture, as in the summer. Therefore, it should be watered with care during the cold season, and it is better to use a pallet for watering twice a week, to avoid overcooling the soil.

It is important to monitor the lack of drafts, especially after watering the plants. Ficus thermophilic plant and the temperature below 12 disastrous for it.

Preventive measures to prevent defoliation:

- compliance with the frequency and amount of watering;

- providing the plant a permanent place in the room;

- balancing the air humidity and temperature, preventing the occurrence of drafts.

If you properly care for your plants, the Ficus benjamina will please their masters and fluffy green foliage all year round.

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