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Wonderful and useful flower

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Aglaonema - one of the most beautiful and unusual representatives of the family Araceae. Depending on the type, the color of their leaves can be very different - this plant is famous for its great variety of colors lamina.

The plant has a short stem, usually branched at the base. It flowers at home is rare. Be sure to know that the plant is poisonous, so all work with it need only be carried out with gloves on, and then be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

Caring for Aglaonema is not difficult to cope with such a power plant for even a novice.

Choosing pot

Pot should be chosen not on the principle of "the more, the better", and that the plants roots filled almost the entire pot. If the pot will be unnaturally large, the probability of excessive waterlogged soil that threatens to rot the root system and eventually plant death. Aglaonema is growing rather slowly, and due to this fact contain it in a pot without a transplant can be about 2-3 years.

The soil

Aglaonema prefers to grow in light, air and water permeable substrate with a mandatory content of peat. If the hand is not a special torfosoderzhaschego soil, it is necessary to mix the part of the purchase Universal ground with several parts peat and one part of any ripper (sand, perlite etc).

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Aglaonema, with green leaves, undemanding to light, that is, can grow even in partial shade. Variegated same grade on the contrary, requires a maximum scattered light. Do not forget that the constant exposure to direct scorching sun can cause severe burns and damage ornamental plant species.


It is the optimal temperature for the full development and growth Aglaonema - 20-28 degrees. In winter, the temperature of air in no case be less than 17 degrees. Aglaonema absolutely contraindicated drafts, as the constant changes in temperature often lead to death skorospeshnoy.


Watering a plant in a warm time of year it is recommended liberally, but overdoing it is not worth - excessive humidity of the substrate often leads to root rot and the emergence of parasites. It should not be allowed to land in the pot dries. Particular attention should be taken to watering during the cold season - a constant soil moisture and coolness in this period can ruin the plant.

Reproduction. Aglaonema most often propagated in two ways:

1) Office subsidiary plants. This method is considered to be the easiest. To this end, during transplanting plants need to separate from it the strongest children with at least 5 leaves.

2) Cutting. Cuttings are separated when the plant has a branching or noticeable old trunk. For this cut approximately 5-7 mi centimeter cuttings and perpetuate.

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