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Netherbloom on cucumbers. small harvest. What to do

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Often gardeners and gardeners perplexed by the fact that the beds of cucumbers lots of barren flowers, and fruits are not fastened. This applies pcheloopyljaemogo varieties. Hybrids observed fruit set is almost 100 per cent, there is no barren flowers, with each flower formed a cucumber, a large harvest, cucumbers without bitterness. But what about those gardeners who like pcheloopylyamye varieties? How to deal with a sterile flower and the flowers fall off?

In pcheloopyljaemogo cucumber varieties often produces a lot of barren flowers.
In pcheloopyljaemogo cucumber varieties often produces a lot of barren flowers.

What to do

In pcheloopyljaemogo cucumbers main crop produced on lateral shoots. male flowers (barren flowers) formed on a central stem.

To increase yields, planting should not be thickened. It is desirable to leave between the plants in a row of 50 cm in the case of self-pollinated varieties lacking and 45 cm.

For better zavyazyvaemost female flowers can be subjected to plant a small stress. This is achieved by briefly drying the soil (leaf droop plate bit), temporarily lowering the ambient temperature (due to the opening of greenhouses). These measures will give rise to the formation of active ovaries.

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Of course, the need to ensure the availability of insect pollinators to flowers. In this case, it is recommended to pick off the leaves when gelled, the bees flew without problems to the flowers to pollinate.

In the greenhouse, the door should be open and in greenhouses ajar film on both ends.

Also, for better fruit set is sprayed with landing soda solution. This will require 2 tbsp. tablespoons of baking soda to the water bucket. The solution needed to mix and pour the roots. Flow Rate - 1 cup per plant. Watering is necessary 2 times - before flowering and during flowering.

In the shaded areas as there is a lot of barren flowers, so you need to choose a well-lit areas for planting cucumbers.

If you have harvested the seeds of their own, then seeding is not necessary to use last year's seed. Harvest more will not be, and generally are formed barren flowers. The seeds need to mature at least 2-3 years to be with the harvest. Germination they retain up to 8 years. In this case, all the pathogens of cucumber disappear, and even viral infections.

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