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How to get rid of red currants and prevent blistering in the next year

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Now is the time to check the disease currants bushes and if found signs of pests or disease, to take immediate action. Today I want to talk about red swellings on currant leaves.

My friend in response to my "your currants should be treated urgently, otherwise it may not come back to life after winter" threw me, "come to life in her each year on the leaves of red blisters."

Of course, many of you may as well say that every year you see such signs or anything, bushes still alive. But it is not until currants dried force and because warmer winters in recent years.

I do not understand how that's possible to have a currant bushes and do not drink from the leaves of tea, do not harvest the leaves for the winter and even pickles they are not put because it leaves infected sores can not be used in food.

And if you already grow crops, it would be better if you can pick berries are larger than they are now, more than now. The harvest also depends on the state of the green leaves and bush. If currant will spend a lot of effort to overcome the damage caused by aphids and fungi, the strength will be spent on the minimum yield.

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So, here are the red swelling on currants appear if settled on it gallic aphid.

It wash away or destroy the very difficult folk remedies. Some of my friends still harvest the berries are not all been collected, bush were sprayed from a spray vodka. It said that helps. Repeats every week and thoroughly treated to severe sputum underside of the leaves, where it settles gall aphid.

But I do not believe that this method can completely rid you of gallic aphids on currants. Therefore, I suggest another way.

The fact is that now hatched gall aphids begin to prepare for winter and creep into the kidneys bushes and postpone eggs there. And it will be extremely difficult to destroy them. So while the leaves are still on the bushes, grasp the salvation currant bush.

The very first thing you need to do is to cut off all the affected leaves. If a branch hit a lot of leaves, it is better to cut off the entire thread shears and burn. Be sure to burn! Otherwise, the female with wings fly back.

Now otplodonosivshie bushes already, so we can safely spray Bordeaux liquid or fitosporin. As for the application to them guide details how to use it. And in the spring, before flowering, but when it buds bloom, you can repeat the procedure. Then you can not only enjoy the harvest, but also to prepare teas from currant leaves, which are famous for very large health benefits.

Do not regret huskies, please;)

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