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The most powerful power plant in the world

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Electricity. Without it, imagine the modern world is impossible and it takes more and more every year. To this end, the construction of new power plants and reconstructed old. However, their capacity built up a gigantic pace. In this article I will tell you which stations are considered at the moment the most powerful.

The most powerful NPP

As long as the undisputed leader in nuclear power plants is a Japanese station Kashiwazaki - KariwaLocated near the city of Kashiwazaki, Niigata Prefecture.

At the station successfully function just seven units, and 5 units work on the principle of the boiling, and two modified.

The total capacity of units equal 8212 MW.

The first unit was put into operation in 1985 year, while other units were introduced to the work with 1990 by 1996 years. At this station rather plight. IN 2007 , not far from the station, an earthquake measuring 7 points. The resulting 4 blocks (three at a time are at a scheduled inspection) were abnormally stopped.

To eliminate all the consequences of the station was closed down, and only in 2009, two units have been started (

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№6 and №7) In the test mode, and the following year another (№1).

The largest hydroelectric plant in the world

The largest hydraulic works in the world is considered to be a Chinese hydroelectric power plant "Three Gorges» (three gorges), Which is based on the largest waterway of the Yangtze River country.

The design of this truly enormous structures began to develop as early as 1932 year. But due to several wars and revolutions interest in the project then reappeared, then faded completely. And its modern form began to take station only 14.12.1994 years and was finished in May 2012 of the year.

When erected this dike turned in length 2335 meters, and its height was 181 meter. In this case the station 32 once installed power generator 700 MW and 2 MW generator 50.

The largest thermal power plant

Thermal power is still widely used throughout the world. To see the largest plant to date, we will go back to China. And the name of this station being TPP Tuoketuo. Its installed capacity is 6.6 gigawatts.

Such a truly impressive generate power units 5, which are divided into two parts by 600 MW each. And to satisfy the needs of the individual stations are installed power units, each of 300 MW.

From this station is connected another interesting record: the time interval between the erection of two units amounted to only 50 days.


No matter how powerful did not seem the existing station, it will take time and will be built and put into operation even more powerful and technologically advanced. If you liked this article and want to see more of this material, then put the Like. Thank you for your attention!

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