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Fertilizing strawberries during bloom to harvest more. The method of amplification of flowering.

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Every gardener wants to raise a good crop of strawberries. In late spring, early summer, the bushes on a ridge begin to bloom profusely. To enhance the bloom, it is necessary to spray garden strawberry, using boric acid. It Boron improves the formation of ovaries. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to spray only sheets boric acid plants.
To create the solution needed:
A teaspoon of boric acid;
10-five liters of water.
Mix the ingredients, wait for dry weather and spray the back of the leaflet. You must perform the procedure in the evening. Even many experienced gardeners do not know what to spray the plants should be just the reverse side, as this helps bushes better absorb nutrients.
If you look for information about spraying on the Internet, you can find the article, which states that the spray should only strawberry blossoms. Remember, it is the boron absorption occurs through a sheet plate.
The procedure should be carried out several times - when the strawberries are only willing to bloom, and when she began to blossom. Remember that any plant need time to digest Adding fertilizer. Get immediate results does not work, so the procedure should be prepared in advance.

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By following these simple rules, you can push the young strawberry bushes to bloom, well and in the future to collect a large number of delicious and sweet berries.

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