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Landscape design without the high cost

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Simple materials malouhodnye plant, the second life of old things - how to create a garden and not have to spend a lot of money

Modern trends in landscape design is such that you can create a beautiful garden without the high cost. Creativity, malouhodnye plant materials that can be purchased for just pennies - and you get a site to be proud of.

We collected for you some solutions inexpensive garden decoration of landscape architects and landscapers.

Stone and soil-covering plants

Most useless corner of the garden can be transformed into an attractive place, freely laying out its old stone or paving stones, and planted between the plates creeping sedum or other ground cover plants. The trick is that you need a bit of paving stones, a little stonecrop, which means you'll save on that and the other.

This method can be used to create a garden path. Do not forget to dig a little stones in the soil to the surface are at the same level.

Cuttings from your friends

If you have just moved out of town and take the first steps in the creation of your garden, keep in mind that many plants propagate from cuttings, and gardeners are almost always friendly and love to share plants with those who share their enthusiasm. Before you go to the nursery, talk to neighbors - most likely, they are willing to give you

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cuttings plants which decorate your site.

Pots and other containers

Plants in large pots, placed on the front porch or along the facade, can transform a house. But buying them is not necessary - see how you can lead to a common denominator containers that probably already have in your household: barrels, boxes, old pans. Perhaps some of them will have to build the pedestal, so that all the plants were at the same level, or you can try to re-paint them and combine with one color, or look for another solution. The result will be worth the effort.


Perennials we buy once, and we admire them for many years. You can select plants in color, creating a monochromatic garden, or pursue some combination of colorful perennials.

ornamental grasses

Our gardeners do not like to use herbs, although the current trend allows the garden look more interesting. Also, the grass does not need a lot of care, inexpensive and at the same time add new garden design quality. It makes sense to try.

mulching with gravel

Gravel - inexpensive and sometimes even free stuff. Try to fill it a place where nothing grows, and placed next to large industrial type containers with laconic plants. Good looks and a gravel path.

available materials

Use whatever is at hand, let the old, previously used materials, a chance to live another life, and may have something really interesting - as a patio.

Read on FORUMHOUSE, both of the easiest plants to create a real dream garden. Go to section "Flower garden" our website - there's a lot of useful information for both novice and professional gardeners. Watch a video about Garden landscape designerWhich may give you some some good ideas.

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