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Bioplato own hands: mirror pond on site

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How to make decorative swamp-bioplato own hands. Bioplato, a system that allows the water in the pond is always kept clean

When we make a pond in the area, it is expected that we get a pond with crystal clear water to swim and enjoy the life of fish. In reality, the majority of artificial reservoirs in the suburban areas the water is cloudy, and it becomes clear only in the autumn. There are several methods of cleansing and protection of water in the pond from the flowering; bioplato, based on the ability of higher plants to clean the water - one of the most effective. In this article we will look at:

  • The device bioplato
  • How to design bioplato
  • How to make your own hands bioplato
  • Best Plants for bioplato

The device bioplato

Higher aquatic plants cleans the water, but only about its origins (in the regeneration zone). This effect can be seen in nature: on the shore of the lake, where there are AIR, cattail or sedge, clean water, and then - muddy. That plants purify all the water in the pond next to him doing a little artificial swamp elongated shape connected to the main pond.

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"Swamp" almost fall asleep with gravel, and all are planted densely with an area of ​​higher aquatic plants.



Technology is good for ponds with artificial isolation, where there is no natural soil, which is a breeding ground for unicellular algae. In the pond with natural waterproofing there is no sense of his city, simply make a shallow water and land on it bog plants.

Bioplato should not look like a beautiful water klumbochka. The more plants planted in it, the more competition among them for organics from the main pond. Plants need to grow so thick that behind them could not see the water.

If the plants in bioplato a little, they can not be removed from the water of the pond all nitrates. Therefore possible algal blooms and algae growth. On average, the plant in bioplato grow to the desired degree in two or three years, but significant effect, like a miracle, will be visible in a couple of weeks.

How do bioplato Pond

Here's how it works bioplato: a pump to lift water from the bottom of the main pond and creek through the connection (or via hoses) delivers it to the swamp-bioplato. The water passes through the roots of plants, purified, enriched with oxygen, preheated and drains back into the pond.

All organics from the main body of water settles to the bottom and feeds bioplato planted in it plants. A blue-green algae that cause blooms mainly pond remain without food and just "die of hunger".

Tests were carried out, which resulted in the Soviet Union recommended the use of higher water plants for additional sewage treatment, industrial enterprises: they clean the water even from oil and heavy metals.

How to design bioplato

That's the main thing that you need to know before the device bioplato:

  • Selecting a location for bioplato necessary so that it is above the main reservoir - as purified water itself will drain into the pond through a small main groove;
  • Aquatic plants love the sun, so bioplato is best done in an open and sunny location, at least in partial shade;
  • It is believed that bioplato area should be equal to or larger than that of the main reservoir. In practice bioplato made of 35% of the main pond, and it works fine;


pond ratio plateau creative question: despite what problems need to be solved, what load of organic matter, the availability of space - for example, a little, but I want to ...

  •  Bioplato length should be equal to the main wall of the pond;
  • Bioplato should not be deep, a maximum of two feet (but enough and a few centimeters);
  • The water depth in bioplato - about 5 cm, 15 cm is left still in a "dry wall" to prevent overflow (or even more: aquatic plant roots will grow over the years, to displace water; therefore it is better to leave the stock). On average, if the depth of the pit bioplato - 50 cm, it is necessary to fill with rubble 25-30 cm;


The total depth of cover up to half of them 150mm dry wall to prevent overflow; water 50 mm and 300 mm gravel ...

  • Bottom bioplato should be as horizontal gravel layer - uniform over its entire area;
  • There is another design bioplato, its depth can be about one meter. But it is not filled up with gravel. This is a "swamp" foresters plant underwater and floating plants, and its bottom is poured sand, otherwise the plants will not take root.

Waterproofing bioplato

The bottom bioplato be isolated. It is unacceptable to have higher water plants there were other sources of supply, but water from the main pond. Waterproofing usually do traditional, Geotextile - geomembrane (or film) - geotextiles. Faction stone for backfilling should be quite large, larger than it is, the more oxygen is contained in the upper layer bioplato. In addition, fine gravel silts up quickly.

At higher water plants developed root system, it is well entrenched in the rubble, and will withdraw from the water, all organic substances as a super vacuum cleaner.

How to choose a pump for bioplato

What should be the pump performance, depending on how tightly bioplato overgrown by plants.

The thicker thickets of aquatic plants, the better bioplato filters the water, the higher the rate of change of water. At first, until the plant is not much water must circulate slowly to allow time for filtration plants. It is sufficient that the entire volume of water passed through the main pond bioplato once per day.

Typically, one pump is sufficient, but sometimes give two: one at the bottom, the second skimmer serving, collecting water from a surface reservoir.

The pump includes at the first sign of water bloom and it operates continuously until autumn.

What plants to plant in bioplato

The best plants for planting in bioplato considered:

  • mace (Typha latifolia, Typha angustifolia)
  • calla marsh,
  • Carex acuta,
  • sedge sitnichkovaya,
  • Carex nigra,
  • calamus,
  • Iris Marsh,
  • Watch a three-sheeted.

The easiest way to get these plants in natural bodies of water, being careful not zhadnichaya. Planting aquatic plants is simple - just put them together with a lump of land on the gravel, and everything is on the whole horticultural work they do themselves.


Plants are planted in the laws of the genre of landscape- in the background are the highest, Rogoza and reeds; on average - swamp irises, derbeyniki and the like; foreground- drooping sedge and all that small.

The larger the tall plants planted, the better bioplato purifies water - high plants need more nutrients, so they are best filtered water.

How effective bioplato

Bioplato - complex and multipurpose engineering construction with multiple functions (in it, including breeds zooplantkton that feeds the fish in the main body of water) and in full force in his first season, it is not work. It takes time to plant adapted to their root system work. Needed for water purification bacteria colonize the body bioplato about a month after the appearance of plants, and the plants have multiplied, need two or three years. Therefore, experienced practitioners pond business with great skepticism - homeopathy! - refer to the testimony of such "bioplato built, and the water immediately became clear."

But then, it's true! After the device bioplato water in the pond is really mostly cleared very quickly.

The full force bioplato starts in a couple of years, but there is a visible result after 2-3 weeks.

In the photo below we see bioplato built to the pond, where there were big problems with water. Bioplato hooked up, and instantly the water was clean.


Likely triggered the first stage mechanical deposition.

As can be understood that with bioplato all right? First of all, in the rate of propagation of plants. If they are actively proliferating by ditches, then everything goes right.


Bioplato - excellent replacement for expensive filters. It is inexpensive and works effectively. Spend time cleaning the pond no longer have fish and plants will feel great.



I have a small pond at 6 cubes. There just did not put the filters, and UV, and without, the result was one - a swamp. Reading FORUMHOUSE, I decided to make bioplato. It was the middle of May, my pond has begun to turn into something murky and green. And the miracle happened!

From our point of view on all points bioplato superior modern technological processes of water treatment in the pond. Biological water purification does not require expensive equipment, requires no time-consuming maintenance, save energy and time, the pond owner. Bioplato tested for years, and experts speak about it the best way. Importantly, do not split hairs: this should be a simple system.


Bioplato need to build a cake without gemmoroynyh and drainage pipes. To let the water at the surface and merging into blunt pond through an overflow. Postpones oozes over the winter mineralized, vymerznut - and bioplato ready in the spring to work, we can only cut the dead wood.

Once again we recall the main rules:

  • Bioplato arrange above the main pond, possibly orienting it toward the south.
  • Bioplato area should not be less than 1/3 of the main pond.
  • The bottom bioplato must be waterproofed.
  • The pump must be powerful, our goal - to slow circulation of water.
  • In the spring it is necessary to cut the withered stalks and leaves of plants, and remove from bioplato plant residues, it will relieve the system.

On FORUMHOUSE can discuss in detail bioplato devicelearn about effective methods fight with the vegetation in the pond, get acquainted with the list the best plants for bioplato. Read about how members of our portal are struggling with algal blooms in the pond. Watch a video about pond bioplatoMade with their own hands.

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