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Where is Happy in Russia: a village vs SNT

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The different villages of the CHT and where better to buy a house for a country residence. Pros and cons of all the options

Where to buy a finished house with land or land for construction: in the village or SNT? The buyer is often difficult to make a choice. We will understand which option is cheaper, safer, more convenient and more correct from all sides.



Some people do not want to deal with the problems in construction, but still want to have your house, so faced with the problem of the correct choice.

Where expensive house in the CHT or village

The average family with two children and two adults who work in city office, usually looking for wooden or stone house, relatively new, quite large, 150-200 meters from the site of 10-15 acres, and is conveniently located, not more than 30 kilometers from the city. What matters is a good road, convenient access roads and a quick walk to the train station. Buy a nice house ready difficult, but even deciding to self-construction, people have to choose where to buy land in the village or SNT.

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If you still buy a house, and consider the quality of the proposals (not taking into account the one-room, panel board, garden houses), then the house in the CHT is usually better.

In the village, if the houses are not exorbitant money, they usually already well pozhivshie, stood at 50-70 years.

Houses in villages are usually more expensive: the money, for which SNT can buy a nice house, in the village enough, or half of the house, or on a dilapidated building to be demolished.

In the village houses often do not have modern communications, they can be heated by a conventional wood-burning stove. In today's holiday villages the situation is better.



The village can boast well let down mains gas, the approach road, plumbing and the like. D. The SNT, all this is usually already there.

But the area of ​​land in the village is almost always higher than in the CHT: 15-18 hectare against 6-8.


Village: absolutely "all the drum", when in the morning, waking up, you suddenly decide to plow a field behind the house 100x100 m, under another garden for turnips. The SNT this number can not pass.

Horrors and delights of collective life

But the biggest difference between the village and the city - in how the settlement was organized. That's why most people who quite freely and independently to choose life "cheloveinik" suburban life, is skeptical of the SNT.



definitely village. And relieve themselves and their heirs from the collective economic horror. And the connection to the communications solved easily.

The owner of a village house lives by himself, he makes decisions that only pays taxes and pays for meter readings. The SNT it is not just the owner of the land and the house, and a member of the association, and must take part in this life, and pay dues, including financially involved in the village life. It is important to decide what you - the defender of the individual or community supporter. If the "collective farming," Do not be afraid, the SNT - quite a good option.

But for a number of studies that were carried out leading Moscow real estate agency it turned out that owning a home in the village is cheaper than a house in the CHT.

For residents of the village are still there are benefits for the gas connection, special electricity tariffs. Many of the issues (though not everywhere), take the local government: cleaning and repairing of roads, control of the landfill, street lighting. The CNT and the tariffs above, and for all additional services such as clearing roads have to pay out of pocket.

On the other hand, the area is fenced SNT, there is security, and social environment more homogeneous than in the countryside. And here, choosing the plot in the village, experts advise, and to evaluate the level of the social environment (in the village is still alive saying "do not buy a home - buy a neighbor"), and the quality of infrastructure. Optimally, if the village is living pretty much the same, "truckers" - most likely, they are already addressing issues with security, leisure, etc...

And when buying a cottage in the CNT before the deal you should definitely have a conversation with the chairman of the association, see contracts for utilities and other services and fees.

The better organized life in the CHT, the more accurate will be the decision to buy a house or land.

Read our article, in which participants FORUMHOUSE talk about the pros and cons of living in the country. Not sure how to choose a site for shopping, where to start? FORUMHOUSE experts will help you write suburban life scenario. We suggest you watch the video in which the design of settlements specialist Roman Serov in detail and tells about existing land category and their value to the construction of the house.

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