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7 hydrangeas, which are suitable for a small garden

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Hydrangeas - a beautiful plant that will decorate any country site. Small garden areas represent a special list of these shrubs, which combine compactness, short stature and beauty.

varieties of hydrangeas

pastel Green

Small plant, a compact bush. Color change with time: salmon, pistachio, slightly pink. The height of the bushes - 1.2-1.5 meters. The bush is erect, the sides do not fall apart. stems length - 20-25 cm. Blooms from late June and bloom until September. Winter-hardy plant that can withstand temperatures down to minus 30 degrees.


Hydrangea created by Belgian breeders. The height of the bush - 90-100 cm. Width - 1-1.2 meter. "Bombshell" French can be translated as explosive. The diameter of each flower - 3-4 cm. Flowering plentiful. cob Length - 15-18 cm, width - 10-12 cm. Color changes over time - from light to slightly pink pistachio. Hardy hydrangea plant 4 climatic zone. It looks good as a hedge. It flowers from late June to September.


The height of the bush to 700 cm. The length of the stems occupy two-thirds of the height of the bush. And a lot of them, that at first glance it seems that the leaves of the bush on this at all. Flowering plentiful and long, up to the frost. The diameter of each flower - 2-3 cm. Suitable for pot cultivation on balconies, terraces, because the plant is compact and low. Freezeproof hydrangea.

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The flowers are hydrangeas in this large, large - 3-4 cm in diameter. A length of stems (cobs) - 40 cm. Plant height - no more than 1.5 meters. According to the width of the bush can be 1-1.5 meters. Exudes a sweet fragrance, attracts many insects. Blooms in July and continues to bloom until frost. Plant 5 climatic zone. Winter hardiness of each year is increasing, and the adult plant can withstand up to minus 30 degrees.

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Beautiful hydrangea that grows up to 1.3 meters. bush width - 1-1.2 meters. Flower stalks are small, but on the cob contains both fertile and sterile flowers. Inside the flowers are small, purple, and on the edges of large, slightly pinkish. The combination of excellent, that looks nice. Unpretentious and winter hardiness. Young plants should be protected for the winter, mulch tree trunks.


Hydrangea belongs to the category of miniature and compact plants. The height of the bush - 1-1.5 m By maximum width - 1.5 m. The plant 4 climatic zone.. The height of the stems - 20 cm. Color white inflorescences, the end of flowering, they turn pink. Flowering plentiful and long (July to September).


Plant elegant and compact - 50 to 50 cm. Undersized, can be grown in pots, containers on a balcony or terrace. Suitable for a small garden. Flowering plentiful, from late June until frost. Color changes with time, from the white-green to dark pink. As part of the peduncle there are fertile and sterile flowers. Plant 5 climate zone (young plants can withstand temperatures of up to -23 degrees, and over the years hardiness increases).

These are the hydrangeas, which are suitable for your small garden.

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