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Garlic giant Rocambole - unusual for your plant beds, planting

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Garlic giant Rocambole - a rare visitor in our beds. It refers to the family. Lily. It is one clove average head conventional whole garlic. often it has the following names of the people, onion-garlic, elephant garlic or Spanish, as well as an Egyptian onion. In appearance resembles a giant garlic, which is divided into large teeth. This intermediate plant between garlic and leek. Spread this culture in the southern and European countries.

Palatability, advantages and features

On the palate, it is not as sharp, more harmonious than the ordinary garlic. Pronounced odor is not felt as in a simple garlic. Extensive use. One head is four to six large cloves. Head reaches 6-10 centimeters in diameter. Leaves dense, meaty, a width of up to six centimeters in July Rocambole forms a spike in the form of small florets purple color collected in globular inflorescences. Collect heads held after the leaves turn yellow from the bottom.

Of the merits of may be called Rocambole its simplicity, though I come to us from the southern lands, well-kept, high yield. Small enough beds for the whole family and for the whole winter. Rocambole recommend eating people who suffer from diseases of the stomach, because it is not as sharp in taste than regular garlic. Nutritional value are the leaves and heads.

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Agrotechnics when grown similar to the conventional cultivation techniques garlic. There are spring varieties that need to be planted in the spring and winter varieties, intended for planting before the frost. There are universal garlic-Rocambole (there is no difference, it will be spring or autumn planting).

Root garlic-Rocambole only at low temperatures, therefore, with the planting of the spring is not necessary to pull.

Before plant garlic should decontaminate planting material (teeth) in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. If not enough space in the garden can be planted in the tree trunks of young fruit trees. Soil, respectively, shall be fertilized organic (decomposed manure to 30 kg per 1 m2, compost) and ash. Rocambole loves loose and light soil, so you can add a bed of sand. It is advisable to make and dolomite flour. It is necessary to make a hole on a bed depth of 10 cm (when planted in the spring, it is possible and at a shallow depth).

The distance between the teeth must be at least 15-20 cm from each other, between the grooves - 30 cm. Top need zamulchirovat compost, humus layer of 3 cm, and then need to level the soil surface. Mulching will not form a crust.

Grow Rocambole is not difficult, as this plant is unpretentious to our climate (middle lane) and weather.

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