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Fighting pests of wood

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Tree - this is one of the most common building materials. From it to build houses, build truss systemUse for the manufacture of designer furniture. Especially offensive to see the wooden structures are attacked by insect pests. In fact, besides deteriorating the aesthetic appeal, the tree may lose its performance. We offer a look at the problem from a different angle beetles and, based on the experience of our portal users to find out:

  • Are pests "eat" the house.
  • How to start the fight against pests.
  • What preventive measures can prevent contamination of wood.
  • Do all insects are harmful to wood structures.

Insect pests: Theory

Bark beetles, carpenter, beetles and long-horned beetles, longhorn beetles, furniture and house-grinders, etc. - any developer knows what it is. For each of the types of pests you can write a separate article. And any untrained person, who has decided to delve into this subject, in the eyes dazzled by dozens of different kinds of insects. How not to get lost?

In order not to go into the jungle of Entomology, remember this rule: the main danger for wood designs are the larvae of insect pests, which feed on wood and is doing it moves. The visible part of the defeat of wood - it got out out adults.

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The cycle of development of insect larvae to adult can last 2-3-5 years or more. If the beams, girders, etc. Realized weekend, so-called Flight holes having a larger diameter than the input holes (who follow the larvae penetrating into the wood), it means that we have to deal with the long-contaminated wood.

Infection with larvae of the wood could occur both during timber harvesting (in the case went contaminated wood), and already at the construction site during the construction of the house.

For example, stored in a stack edging and edging board with bark. Or in the process of stripping its bark heaping next to ready-made boards, although the rules of the bark should be burned.

Understand that in the home bred "uninvited guests", you can on the following grounds:

  • Traces (hillocks) wood flour (dust) on the floor close to the holes in the wood.
  • Visible marks moves under the bark (such boards - unremoved with wane, often because of the economy, are used as roof sheathing to systems).
  • Rustling, ringing out in the walls. Moreover, localization of larvae can be determined by the degree of noise. If the noise is heard during the day, the larva swarm beneath the crust, because sound, because of the resonance can be heard at any time of the day. If only at night (when all the noises subside), then the larva is in the thickness of the wood. Of course, much depends on the thickness of the boards or beams.

And there is no 100% guarantee that the house is not zavedutsya insect pests, even if the timber has been pre-treated with a special compound. Standard, "a blind master," the languid sprinkle of boards from a spray (as is often done at the construction site) does not give a bright pronounced effect since composition is applied only to the surface and reach the deep layers of wood, where the larvae are already not can.

VladYulyaPolzovatel (FORUMHOUSE):
I'm two years war with the beetles. In the evening I heard the crunch of the closet, pushed him and saw a hole 5 mm in the log. I worked with a chisel and found that 5 larvae of various sizes live in an area of ​​approximately 1500h120 mm. The largest length reaches 25 mm. And "work" they are on the site, which I pre-treated impregnated against blue stain. The first time my wife and I heard beetles 5 months ago. Here I think it is different in kind or age larvae, and what do I do next?


Sstena (User FORUMHOUSE):
I built a house with wooden partitions between the floors. Wood that I used was dry, only in some places sharpen beetle. So I, for secure, decided to treat his homemade solution made of resin, dissolved in gasoline. Permeated everything "from the heart". Wood became black. The house is under roof, with windows, with hemmed ceiling, gypsum board partitions, worth a year under the finish. Once he went into the night and heard a scraping sound. I began to dig at the spot where they were the old board, and found the beetles and their larvae. Ate about 1 meter of treated boards. And there is still a hole. Now I think that it is necessary to remove wood and poured concrete walls.

Also, the example of our user with the nickname ArtemTema85. He built a wooden house. When its construction everything as it should, impregnated protective impregnation of bugs and antiseptics. Piping went on timber 150x150 bought at the nearest building market. In it were the hole of bugs, but the seller is assured that this so-called Flight holes, and all the bugs are gone. The main thing - in case of impregnated wood preservative. what ArtemTema85 personally and made every hole bay composition twice. Then painted beams and, after waiting the time to defend the house, he proceeded to its finish. When you have finished with it, I settled into the house and found a fresh hole with "flour" in the seemingly well-treated lumber. The user additionally poured into them from the syringe solution concentrate and is now thinking what to do next. For example - jacking house and completely remove the damaged timber.

All three cases are illustrative. Usually, the first thing that comes to mind in this case - to resort to drastic measures. Pour all the chemistry, demolish, replace, cause disinfectants, disassembled and reassembled, etc. But in the war on beetles importantly - do not rush to grab an ax or a canister with an antiseptic. We need to understand who we are dealing with, and already on the basis of this information to decide what to do next.

How to deal with pests of wood

The first thing should be remembered - beetles will eat the house. This is not the termites (characteristic wooden houses in North America, pests), which pose a real threat to the wooden structures.

Mitka (User FORUMHOUSE):
I've thought - but has anyone seen a house that "ate" the beetles? Me not. I say this from personal experience. In my house there are bugs, but they are less and less every year. Of course, I process the wood preservative, and is sealed with sealant, flight holes, but this is not radical measures.
anton-master (user FORUMHOUSE):
In my opinion, even if the worst case scenario, the beetles are not "devour" the house does not collapse, the structural strength remains unchanged. Over time, the larvae turn into beetles, they all come out and fly away. This is not the termites. Beetles only spoil the appearance of the product and make noise when gnaw wood. It is only necessary to close up the outlets and to paint a tree. In an attempt to resort to drastic alterations - such as a jack house and change the board, you can spoil more. Go to the nearest village, look at the log cabins, which for a hundred years - all of them in holes, but well stand to this day.
The new house, built of fresh wood - a "tidbit" for beetles. As soon as the tree will dry out, reducing its moisture, it begins to harden and lose its attraction for insects.
The new house, built of fresh wood - a "tidbit" for beetles. As soon as the tree will dry out, reducing its moisture, it begins to harden and lose its attraction for insects.

The danger from the activities of the beetles (or rather their larvae) can be when they start to gnaw bearing beam, without having (in design errors strength) margin of safety. The house stands longer, the less there beetles. The main thing that the wood does not rot, not moldy, does not dampen, because such conditions attract pests of wood.

This does not mean that we should not fight the pests! To fight is necessary, but this should be done after careful consideration, knowing the habits of his "enemy".

Even if the house you find one or two bugs - that's no reason to panic. Do not immediately run to the store and buy blindly protective structure. Before drawing conclusions, we must carefully examine the wooden structures for detecting strokes, wood flour. Listen, there are no outside noise at night. Check the crate, stropilku remained whether they bark. Only a comprehensive inspection and detection of indirect signs of pests of life can give a clear picture. Also worth checking stocks groceries - flour, cereals, spices, because beetles (eg, flour beetle) could crawl out.

anton-master (User FORUMHOUSE):
In principle, all the beetles pests are similar in morphology, and methods of dealing with them the same type. They may differ from each other in size, color, length of whisker duration period larval maturation. The principle of one - determine pest of wood in front of us or not.

To determine the type of beetle, catch him or take pictures, then look online insect similar picture. We find and then read the description. If you find it difficult to independently determine the form of a beetle, the experts of our portal can be set.

Once we have determined that a bug - a pest, it should be destroyed, Using specialized tools and techniques for working wood. In this case adults at least reach the surface of the wood, die, and the new arrivals to the "preview" is not postponed larvae. It's a long process, it may take time for a year or two or three or more years. To deal with this scourge, we need to understand how the world of beetles.

Ametist (User FORUMHOUSE):
Take, for example, longhorn beetles. They have their own specialization - someone finishes a sick tree. It triggered a rule: if the tree "takes" of the larvae, it is sick because healthy, highlighting the resin, immediately kill them. Some of these beetles live only in the dead wood, ie a felled tree.

Woodman (some of them) do not need the cortex. They require refined wood - it for them in nature clean beetles, long-horned beetles that need cortex. beetles also takes time for puberty and growth. During this period, they need something to eat.

Standard cycle of the beetle in wood - 2-3 years. If it so happened that the house is built from the infected wood, and the larvae live in it, then (if the thought and not annoying rustling) can wait until they are ripe, and the beetles do not fly. Then, these holes smeared with sealant and paint. The main thing - then to prevent secondary infection of the wood.

Consider this example: under bark in stropilke wound up purple barbel. It develops just under the bark. The larva eats the whole cork, the bark falls off, and the beetle will fly, and new infection will be gone. The board will not be affected. For conscience 'sake, you can tear off the bark, which is able to get.

Ametist (User FORUMHOUSE):
Over time, the wood will dry up so that will be a completely "tasteless" for barbel, and it can be got only beetles furniture makers. In this case, the infection occurs through the old furniture.

Most importantly - do not allow wet wood and education, because rot rot attracts a different type of long-horned beetles, which are not required for the development of the crust. In addition, this type of beetles buried a tree in mold spores, which are necessary for the development of larvae. Moreover, the mold - more enemies for the tree than the bugs, as leads to the destruction of wooden structures.

Hence - the following rule: enough to get rid of one species of insect pests, preventive measures are needed, which will make the wood unattractive for other types of beetles.

preventive measures

Prevention is better than cure it. As I mentioned above, Different beetles eat different wood. If the wooden structure is constantly in a wet environment is not properly mounted vapor barrier, thermal balance is broken, the tree is not aired, then all the conditions are created for mold development. Such wood like pests. For example, one violation leads to another, and the tree is exposed to accelerated destruction. This should be avoided.

The best solution for the wooden house will be ventilated facade. And, we stick to this rule: the wooden house - wooden paneling. In this case, we do not lock the timber under the plastic siding and allow it to "breathe."

can be found in our article, how to make their own hands a wooden facade.

Conclusion: we do so that the tree was dry, well ventilated, it is not poured rain.

In this case, the age of 5 years, the wood moisture drops, and a tree to be no longer suitable for the settlement of longhorn beetles. But this is not a reason to relax! Such wood "to taste" bugs-grinders.

Borers - quite prolific insects with a short generation period (valid for all phases of development). Their care of wood (death) theoretically possible performance at low wood humidity (less 20%), but some species (e.g., common furniture beetle) can develop and carpentry humidity (from 8%).

To deal with them, you can do so: we reveal the affected area of ​​the wood and impregnates it with special protective structures. To kill insects in the thickness of the wood, make a few pilot drilling a drill diameter of 3-5 mm. Drill holes not only in the area of ​​visible lesions, but also to seize the 200 mm side. drilling depth - 3/4 the thickness of the wood zasverlivaemogo. Drill holes at the intersections of imaginary grid with a pitch of 40-50 mm. Zasverlivaem tree at an angle to the horizon. In this case, the solution does not flow out of the openings. Then they enter the syringe special solution designed to eliminate insects, which provides long-term prophylactic protection. Fill each hole 3-4 times solution.

You can drill holes and less. In this case, plugging them with rubber stoppers from droppers, through which (their piercing needle) periodically inject solution. This will ensure long-term impregnation and increase the amount of spread of the insecticide in the wood.

Insect pests and insect helpers

The idea that somewhere in the forest fly "bad" bugs and start a heightened pace to "eat" it is your home - a myth. Often we are not aware of it, we create all the conditions for the pests come to you "visit." Here are just some of these conditions:

  • The most common cause of bugs in the house - to use in the construction of raw wood infested with untreated bark.
  • Improper use of a house or buying an old house, in which the long-lived.
  • Leaky roof leads to leaks. Due to improper insulation, poor ventilation, incorrectly installed gidrovetrozaschity etc. It increases the level of humidity in the house. Wood preet, getting wet, decays.

From the point of view of a beetle - this is not your house, and the place where he was called to live, and where it is possible to postpone their larvae and raise offspring. LEXPolzovatel FORUMHOUSE

During the construction of wooden houses are often used badly dried, and more often - freshly sawn, raw wood. He has yet to dry and dry. Thus, the tree is sawn, cut, chopped, so - is worth a strong smell of wood. He attracts pests. At this stage, you need to use the funds for the treatment of wood outside. This will prevent contamination. After drying, the wood hardens and becomes less attractive to insects.

Not all insects can be considered pests. For example, the wasp grubs rider infect their eggs and thus destroy them.

Effective protection against insects that use wood as an incubator for hatching their offspring, is a painting of a tree Thick-film coatings. This creates a barrier for the recognition of wood.

There are also a useful beetles, which are not worth killing.

Ametist (User FORUMHOUSE):
I was recently on my site sawed old birch (which lay in the area 2 years) firewood and saw timber from the left handsome woodcutter. This insect does not pose a threat to the wooden house, because its larvae live in rotting birch, disposing of it in this way. In addition, the woodcutter pollinate many types of flowers.

On all the information collected on our website insect pestswood. Everyone who wants to build a beautiful and durable wooden house, will be useful to the theme of folk how to protect the wood without the use of chemicals and the topic where there are answers to any question related to the the erection of a wooden house.

Of our articles can be found the pros and cons of the profiled beams and conventionalAnd read about all the nuances of the selection of material for construction of wooden houses.

From our video you will learn how to to build a house of laminated veneer lumberAnd about the features of a wooden house from manual felling logs.

Discuss the article and read other materials devoted to country life you can on the websiteFORUMHOUSE.

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