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Tamarisk. Features of plant maintenance, planting

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Bead bush (Tamarix) - exotic plant for the middle band. Mainly found in the south. But literate planting and caring and nice winters in temperate climates. How to plant and care for plants?


This deciduous shrub, which in July strewn with small pink fragrant flowers, like beads. The leaves look like needles openwork. It grows up to 2-4 meters high. Loves neutral and sandy soil, he does not like in an acidic environment. It is better to put him at the fence, on the south side. Intercepting protect him from the cold and wind. Perfectly reproduces the winter cuttings. It is rarely damaged by pests and diseases, if the bush is planted in the right place.

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Place for bush to choose a well-lit, as it photophilous and heat-loving plant. You also need to take care of drainage.

At the bottom of the pit is put broken bricks, stones, concrete block. On top of the drainage layer is necessary to fill in the form of organic compost, turf ground and ash. Then must be removed carefully from the seedling container (previously it is necessary to pour), and placed on the bottom of the pit. The substrate in which the plant grew before, you can pour into the hole. Covered with soil and compacted. Abundantly watered. Zamulchirovat peat or sawdust.

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This undemanding plant, special care is required. In very hot weather only need to be watered. Fertilize also not necessary. But if you want a more vigorous flowering, make complex fertilizer in the spring.

For the middle band seedlings for the winter need to cover. It is especially necessary to take care of the root system. If she survives, and the bush is restored. As the covering material can be used peat around circle around-trunk. Branches pinned to the ground and cover with leaves. Additionally, you can use a spunbond.

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