The basis for our future home (continue to work on the device foundation)
Dreary autumn rains for a long time did not give us the opportunity to start work on the analysis of the formwork. But everything comes to an end. That's our "Little Farm", two weeks later, I waited for warmer days. Our band foundation to settle, it picked up the concrete fortress. The husband has been all hands ischesalis, so he would probably proceed to an analysis of the formwork.
First, he took out all the soil around the casing. Work is not a pleasant one, because after heavy rains, the land was greasy and slippery. But "hunting Forest captivity," so all the land has been taken out wheelbarrow in the garden for two days. After this, the most difficult job. Planking was death, and was not going to give up. If the husband began shuttering analysis only with screwdriver, then I ended up using scrap and grinders. Disassembled and carefully stockpiled that could also serve the great cause of building.
After the dismantling of the formwork, the husband of a lot of work for soil removal has been done. All the land, which was in the basement, was chosen, immersed in a wheelbarrow, and is scattered in the area. At the same time my husband leveled her rake, and chose the large roots. It's pretty hard work that he has done patiently and efficiently. The photograph is just visible that part of the site, which is new ground.
The entire inside of the foundation we've covered surface waterproofing. Used bituminous primer, which is sold in 5 liter pails. Divorcing it with gasoline or solvent to the desired consistency. Apply primer need roller or brush. We tried to apply both. As a result, steel maklovitsej applied with artificial stiff bristle. Brushes - a special brush that is used to apply glue on the wallpaper. So, as we discovered, it is very well suited for the application of bitumen primer.
Before you treat the surface of the foundation, my husband thoroughly clean them of dirt, remove dust primer. All holes and cracks, he smeared cement mortar. Treatment is carried out, when the surface is well dry.
Following the waterproofing work, we have done the reverse dumping sand foundation. The soil is not used deliberately. I think it's silly to leave a good home ground. It is better to use it in the garden. The more so because this land grandparents twenty years obihazhivat and fertilized.
The sand we rammed rollers. To rink could drive, my husband specially paved for him to rise out of the sand.
Two streets from our time in this building "Master" homes for sale. One day they called my husband on the excavator to dig out their septic tank for sewage. When he returned, he showed me pictures. That is what we are doing the opposite dumping of homes for sale. Think ten times before buying a house from the "Kommersant".
Build quality is possible only when you know that this house will live your children or the children of your friends and relatives.
His story to share with us our reader Svetlana Putintseva.