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Features a selection of water supply and heating systems

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Any of the users FORUMHOUSE knows that water and heat - is the foundation of any life support at home, because of this depends directly on the comfort of living in the country.

So, in this article we will discuss the main aspects of your home water and heat, namely:

  • How to start a variety of water supply and heating systems, and what are the requirements for the boiler room;
  • What are the essential components of a modern water supply system consists of a private house;
  • What is the essence of water treatment;
  • What is best to use a pipe for water and heating systems;
  • How to choose the boiler and fuel;
  • What are the main types of heating systems.

How to start a variety of heating and water supply system?

As practice shows, when building a house is first necessary to carefully calculate all the components and the design of your future home.

Nikolai lain (GWD Engineering Company General Director):
About the installation of engineering systems need to reflect more on the stage of the architectural design of the house, cottage or villa. And first of all it concerns the characteristics of the boiler room.
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SNIP room for gas boilers must be at least 15m3, ceilings not less than 2.5 meters. Necessary area of ​​the window glass should be equal to 0.03 volume boiler. If the architect did not consider these requirements, problems with gasification facilities are guaranteed.

In this case the wall of the building, which is attached to the boiler should have fire resistance not less 0,75ch and overlap the boiler must be made of non-combustible materials.

Anatoly Gurin (the company's "house engineering systems," Chief Executive Officer):
- It is important to remember thattechnical dimensions of the room or boiler room must provide free accommodation with the possibility of its further maintenance.

As well as comply with all requirements of gas supply (if you plan to gas heating) organization and fire control.

If the boiler has been built with violations of the above requirements, then it will lead to additional restructuring of the material costs.

And to determine the requirements for the water system, you first need to:

  • Define the category of the house and its requirements for regular water supply - cottage for permanent residence, villa, summerhouse.

There is no need to carry out central water supply in a small house, if you can get water and wells.

  • Identify possible sources of water in your area - the river, well, borehole, central water supply.

In this case the reliability of the water source. The well can not provide water to dry, well it hides the desired water pressure.

  • Determine the availability of each source - the depth of the aquifer, and its distance from the house.
  • Determine the quality of water in the source, making its analysis. If the water is not potable, then this will directly depend on the choice of water treatment systems - simple mechanical filters or a complete cleaning system.

The worse the water is, the more expensive water treatment system.

water supply system components

The best known sources for water wells and boreholes are considered.

Well. The device is simple (you can dig yourself) And relative cheapness.

It is best suited well to supply water to a small house or villa seasonal residence. When digging the well it should be remembered that the high groundwater table may lead to contamination of water in it, and the means spent on its further purification, significantly exceed the initial cost of the device well.

The wells are divided into three types:

  • Artesian. 100 meters deep or more.

It is considered the most expensive, since their construction requires drilling operations using special equipment. Because of the depth of the equipment does not require pumping device within the borehole, providing lift pure water under pressure. Often the drilling of such wells is necessary to obtain a special permit.

  • Wells to a depth of 50 meters.

To lift the submersible water pump requires the use of well established inside. A water from such wells, artesian contrast, require installation of filtration systems.

  • Abyssinian or as they are referred to as precast manholes. A maximum depth of 15 meters.

Well suited for devices in remote locations, such as a hole can be made even in the technical area already built home, but due to the small diameter of the pipe in such a hole can not be installed submersible pump for lifting the water pump must be used station.

After the selection has been made in favor of a water source, it is necessary:

  • Select water lifting system - submersible pump or pumping station.

It should be remembered that the pump station provides lifting water from a depth of 10 meters. In addition, in contrast to a submersible pump, this station is quite noisy work that requires resort to extra sound insulation technical room. Either place a pumping station in a separate annex.

  • Determine the power of the downhole pump. To do this, we calculate the rate of flow.

Flow rate - is one of the main characteristics of any well. Using the well production rate can be calculated what is the maximum amount of water makes it per unit time. The flow rate is usually measured in liters or cubic meters per minute.

  • Calculate the volume of water consumption in the home and select the required parameters of the pump.
Oleg Dunaev (Civil Engineer):
- If the house is habitable, and there abide day and night, the water supply should be calculated from the total number of residents, and all points of consumption.

After that:

  • We select the accumulator.

The accumulator is necessary for maintaining the system constant pressure water supply, which usually ranges from 2.5 to 3 atmospheres. Also the accumulator reduces the amount of pumping equipment starts.

  • Determine the water treatment system, consisting of coarse and fine filters, water purification.
Oleg Dunaev:
Water analysis results, select the way to her cleaning. For example, removal of rust in a more simple embodiment, can be made by filtration through a removable obezzhelezivayuschie Filter cartridges, or, if a more expensive process station set full water treatment system and softening water.

Then, based on all of the above data, it is necessary to choose pipe fittings - consisting of pipes, fittings and manifolds.

Selection of pipes for water supply and heating system

When installing the water supply and heating systems, special attention must be paid to the selection of pipes.

Anatoly Gurin:
- Basic materials for pipes is:
  • Copper

Of the advantages of such a tube can be distinguished durability and corrosion resistance. Among the disadvantages of high cost and complexity of installation.

  • Steel

Such pipes are sturdy and durable, but they can rust and are difficult to assemble.

  • Stainless steel
  • Plastics.

A long service life and ease of installation.

Plastics can be made from the following materials:

  • Polypropylene PP-R and PP-RCT;
  • The heat-resistant polyethylene or PERT PERT2;
  • The crosslinked polyethylene PEX type and, b or c;
  • The pipes can be reinforced or not.

For autonomous heating systems and water is best in terms of price / results apply multilayer pipes of crosslinked polyethylene type PEX / AL / PEX.

When laying a pipeline the water supply to the house must be remembered that in the winter time, the water in it can freeze. There are three solutions to this problem:

  • Insulate the pipe, enclosing it in a special heat insulation jacket;
  • Lay the pipe to a depth below the freezing point;

For Moscow, this value is 1.5 meters.

  • Use heating electrical cable.

Choosing a heating system

So where do you start when choosing a heating system for your home?

Nikolai lain:
It all starts with determination of the energy source. Most cases natural gas. If the gas is not present, a variety of options:
  • Solid fuel;
  • Liquefied gas;
  • Diesel fuel;
  • Electricity.

Let us consider each of the options.

  • Gas heating.

It is one of the cheapest and convenient fuels for heating private houses, as the process of combustion in the boiler responds well to automation and control.

But all of the above is true only on the condition that the gas pipe has been placed to your home, so the price of gas connection, or pipe laying, may be unnecessarily high.

  • Solid fuel. Despite the availability of coal, wood or peat briquettes should be remembered that the solid fuel boilers, require regular Fuel bookmarks, and the process of their work difficult or impossible to automate, which directly affects the living standard of comfort in the House.

Solid fuel boilers often are installed as a backup heat source in case of tripping or breakage of the main boiler. Also, when they are installed are increased requirements to the chimney, otherwise it will not be created by the thrust required to remove the products of combustion.

  • Electricity. It is considered one of the most expensive types of heating, but has the advantages of convenience, high efficiency operation and ease of installation of the equipment. When installing electric boiler are no such stringent requirements as when using a gas or solid fuel boiler. There is no need to do a special boiler and chimney. Electric boilers are relatively inexpensive, compact (you can hang them on the wall) and they are silent in operation.

When choosing the electric boiler must be remembered that it is often to heat your home only suitable three-phase boilers capacity of more than 12 kW / 380 volts, and is not at all sites has a dedicated three-phase line 15 and more kW. Alternating elektrokotol capacity of less than 12 kW / 220Volt only suitable for heating a small and well insulated house to 100 square meters

  • Liquid fuel. Diesel oil and fuel oil. Boilers running on this type of fuel, respond well to the process automation. But because of the constant rise in energy prices, the use of oil-fired boiler requires competent calculation.

It is important to know that there are oil boilers with interchangeable burners, which means that a boiler can easily rearrange to work on the main gas or LPG.

Previously, the boiler capacity can be calculated by the following formula: 1 kW of power expended on heating 10 sq. m. The well-insulated room.

Nikolai lain:
The boiler is chosen only after teploraschota, because you can find the necessary power, knowing only the heat loss. The same principle is selected when designing the boiler system as a whole. There are two main types:

Driving with double-boiler. In this case, the hot water heat exchanger located directly in the boiler. This scheme is applicable for stays of 3-4 family members.

Pros: It occupies a small space in the boiler room. The equipment is much cheaper relative to the system with a water heater of indirect heating.
Cons: Little produced hot water, sensitive to water quality.

Planimetric boiler with a boiler indirect heating. In this case placed near the boiler water boiler in which hot water is heated. The required volume is selected in the design. This scheme is more comfortable and durable because WAN reserve allows water for 5-6 consumers, and it is completely insensitive to water quality.

Anatoly Gurin:
- Before choosing a boiler and heating system, respectively, it is necessary to make the analysis of the water and find out whether the alleged boiler to work with her.

For example, wall double boilers may not work properly with hard water, because a heat exchanger becomes clogged salts rigidity and often requires washing or replacement.

Best Mode for heating and water is planimetric boiler with indirect heating boiler, free standing or built.

Types of heating

After the boiler has been chosen and the type of fuel, it is necessary to understand - on the basis of the principle will be heating in the house, Which means - and what demands will be made to the draft of the heating system.

Nikolai lain:
- There are two fundamentally different types of heating systems: air and classical - water.

Although air heating system is not so popular in our country as in Europe, it is necessary to know the principle of its operation is based on the forced circulation of hot air in the room, Heated through heat exchanger and is fed through a system of channels in the room.

Nikolai lain:
- In most cases, the system works in conjunction with floor heating. The air heating system often integrated system of supply - exhaust ventilation, humidification and air conditioning.

The advantages of such a system include:

  • The lack of coolant, and therefore, there is no problem with leaks or freezing system.
  • The high system efficiency - approximately 90%.
  • Comfortable atmosphere in the room as warm air rises upwards.

Water heating system for town houses, in turn divided into: a double pipe (a passing) And the collector (deadlock).

  • Pipe system consists of two pipes (supply and return) Which are on the perimeter of the building. Data highways and connect radiators.
  • The collector system is considered more reliable, since the installation only used pillared pipe, ie, no connection points.

In view of this particular system it is more expensive.

For water heating advantages include:

  • Water - an affordable and effective coolant.

In the case of frost, and isolation of the heating system, for example due to breakage of the boiler, the water may freeze and break the pipes of the heating system. To avoid this, the heating system is filled with a special low-freezing coolant - antifreeze.

  • After filling the system with water, its volume remains the same.
  • Ease of maintenance and repair of the system.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the choice of heating systems and water requires careful calculation and competent installation, only if your vacation home will be truly comfortable and modern housing.

Pump or pumping station? Learn about what's best to use the water for a private home users can in this branch our forum. The fact whether the permit for the drilling of an artesian well needed can be found in this section our forum. All information about the requirements for boiler rooms available this link. Can the heating system be cheap electricity? The answer to this question, you will learn from the respective topics in our forum. Video about the unusual layout of the heating system and water supply is available this link. As heat in the absence of a large house gas graphically explains here. And this a movie you will learn all the secrets of air heating of a country house.

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