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Mansion "in the scales" of galvanized steel

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Modern building technologies and materials unleashed architects and fantasy, and hands. Today it is possible to realize any, even the most fantastic idea. There just are not building houses, playing with geometric shapes, spatial location and landscape. But even against the background of all this splendor villa by the Spanish architecture bureau stands and appearance, and technical units - it is not only unusual, but also functional.

Initial data

The project was commissioned by the famous Spanish Bureau - GilBartolome Arquitectos, a young married couple from Madrid. Tired of the noisy city, they decided on the site for the resort town Salobrena build a home that will successfully fit into the surrounding landscape, but it will be as far from the stereotypes. Task designers complicated location area - it is on the steep cliff substantially with inclination angle at 42⁰. The slightest miscalculation, and the structure just will slip into the sea, so do not come standard technology. Thanks to computer simulation was created a unique project, which is specially developed for the new nodes, patented in the future as the present invention.

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Form Factor

To effectively use the best workspace house "drowned" in the slope. Both levels are located substantially in the ground, balconies protrude outwardly of the upper floor and the lower terrace pool. Although the entire structure as a whole is of great interest for all construction professionals, as created, contrary to generally accepted standards, the most fascinating - a roof. It is a rectangle in which the waves are - windows, balconies and decorative canopy over the pool and relaxation area. Coupled with the roofing material of galvanized steel sheet with a curved corner, these shaped elements resemble a dragon's face, only his eyes - three and a "nose" just is an open swimming. By the way, jump into the azure water can be directly from the rooms, as well as access to the terrace.

The main materials used - concrete and glass. Concrete cast monolithic roof frame and the outer fence and stairs, and made of glass panels are made all the walls and the upper balcony. Panoramic windows not only provides maximum light, but also allows the clock with stunning Mediterranean views of the expanse of the sea surface. Tellingly, despite the difficulty of creating a monolithic concrete frame and piece roofing materials, roof-dragon has cost the owners is cheaper than normal would cost.

And the whole house as a whole meets modern principles of energy efficiency - all the engineering systems were created with the expectation of further energy savings. This is facilitated by the location of the premises in the rock - the average temperature is kept within plus twenty. In summer you can do without additional air conditioning, and in the cold season will need only a little to warm the house. Designers have coped with its task: the villa and original than ever, and live in it quite comfortably, and relaxation from the bustling city is guaranteed.

For such a roof would be perfectly approached textured tiles, which are described in the article "The roof, like the scales of the dragon ...". article a rafter system for the semi-circular roof - a useful technical information. How to build a roof that was designed in the last century, but has not lost relevance today - article on roofs Sudeikin. On a slope can be constructed round house with a dome roof, Which tells our video clip.

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