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How to get high-quality repairs, doing almost nothing?

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Organization and maintenance control. Technical customer.
Organization and maintenance control. Technical customer.

For someone who for the first time, and maybe not the first time faced with the repair or construction site, often there is a question on how much you need to be involved in the process, so that the quality of repair or construction, in the end, bring the satisfaction to that counts in their planning.

After all, to organize, to develop project documentation, to find a reliable contractor to check all the work - means not only a detailed knowledge of the process, but also takes a lot of time, which is usually not missing. And then start conflicts, delays in the timing, alterations, and all related to this hassle. I start to think that it will never end.

But out there, and what's more, it provides the normative document - a set of rules called the "Organization of construction." And the protagonist, so to speak, "solver" of such problems is a "Technical customer", ie, who on behalf of the investor, organizes, monitors, receives and then losing last the entire volume works.

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In short, how the process:

  1. the first meeting investor and technical customer jointly developing specifications for future property and works, the order of calculations etc .;
  2. developed on the basis of requirements, technical customers to develop terms of reference for designing, design organization chooses which, after approval by the investor, proceed to development of the project; During the development process, the bulk of the issues with designers solve those. the customer and the investor agree upon any individual questions and, then, the project as a whole;
  3. after the project documentation developed and approved by the investor, technical customers to develop job construction and repair work, carried out search and attraction of a contractor with which all are agreed, including small the nuances of future work;
  1. at the same time, technical customer searches for and attract technical oversight, which It will work with the investor and conduct ongoing monitoring of compliance of performed works project solutions. It should be noted that this feature technical customer can carry out on its own, if it has to this proven expertise and experience;
  2. after all the participants of the planned works are defined and agreed upon by the investor, the turn direct execution of works, the technical customer is fully responsible for them, including material;
  3. Well, the last step is to transfer the finished facility into operation an investor.

Now about the main benefits of this approach (probably the most correct, if the investor - a person who can not / do not want to understand all the intricacies of the organization and performance of work):

  • the whole process of the organization and execution of works carried out by professionals;
  • the investor participates in the process is minimal, only agreeing some individual moments;
  • the investor works with only one person, not with a bunch of contractors and in the future, if that, and then you can ask for a specific person or organization;
  • It saves a lot of time and money due to the fact that, again, the professionals are on the side of the investor and help save as much as possible and to work, and materials;
  • with a minimum of time, effort and nerves, finance again - the investor receives the desired result in the approved time.

And finally the most delicious - the company "Holiday Master" provides services "Technical customer" and It is staffed by trained professionals, certified, including at the state level. Detailed information and the relevant documents, can be found here:

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