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From the apartment in his house. Freebie

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Panoramic windows instead of walls in the living room bay window. nothing

This post is about freebies, t. E. something comfortable obtained without cost.

The end of summer 2017. The planned building, the limited availability of money, stopped (we all know that will end in the house she can not ever). The family lives just getting used to a new environment, a new rhythm of life. I monitor the situation with the head - the windows on the floor. And suddenly it turns out not taken. No, make a cut to the floor flush with the openings of windows are discussing. Even suggest that perhaps after opening the sheathing, conducting meticulous inspection, analysis condition teh.sovetom followed, with some probability less than 50%, much smaller, but still possible, they will expand the central aperture, but is not cut at angles and with considerable rising costs.

-And we let you leave the window on the right to the left as it is and make the output swing in the central window?

No, thank you, let me this is not necessary. I want the panorama!

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-Panoramu? More likely no than yes. Wooden house, how he was bound, he was 15 years old, a state... The autopsy will tell, but view??? The windows in the floor.

And the money for the opening of analysis certainly some voiced.

Here I am sad to be honest.

To long torment, photo freebies results:

And we remember.

View from the street.

It was
It was
It became
It was

Perhaps you will not believe, but it is the view from the window, I saw in my head. Photo a lot, but the next - one of the favorite:

January 2018. Saturday morning coffee. In-law, granddaughter, wife.
January 2018. Saturday morning coffee. In-law, granddaughter, wife.

Believe me, for this kind of you can tolerate the likely cost overruns kW of heat.

Outside, of course, spectacular at night.

It has been almost two years. Believe me - we still have not used. Photos of recent weeks.

You forgive, some photos, few words. Emotions.

My friends. Free services called: Summer answer. (NTV).

Previous post - the results of the first half of 2017.

Next post - holiday response.

More stories - in the thematic section.

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