Grow home of ginger root, which was bought in the store.
Choosing the pot and the soil properly
Ginger root greatly expands in width, so you need to pick up a pot of medium depth. The tank should be sufficiently broad and stable bottom. Choosing the pot small will cause the plants it will close. Especially it is necessary to refrain from selecting small ceramic pots, which had grown ginger root easily break.
Loose fertile soil is ideal for ginger, as well as for many other plants. Not to think about filling the pot, buy peat substrate, it can already be found ready to use in garden stores. Make it just a little looser help adding a small amount of sand. At the bottom of the container must be drainage layer performs its role expanded clay layer thickness of 5 cm.
Prepare root
Choosing the root, carefully inspect its structural condition. The surface must be free from damage or wrinkle, and the root - is completely smooth and firm. From above, you should consider the eyes, because the young shoots begin to grow because of them.
In order to protect from damage and premature germination, on the eve of transporting all the roots are chemically treated., Disinfected potassium permanganate (must turn with a slightly pink color of the solution) to activate the growth process before planting root put into water.
Large roots before planting can be cut into smaller pieces of jumpers. The optimum size of each part - 4 cm. Cutting is carried out with a thin and sharp knife, and after its completion treat sections with activated charcoal. It is not necessary to split up for the small size of the roots, as it hurts them.
planting process
In advance of the prepared soil mixture roots lay in a horizontal position, and then sprinkle a little ground. Take care that the points of growth were not covered with earth, their place - above the soil. Immediately after planting moisten the ground water.
Pot should be placed in a warm place lit, thus it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. To speed up the process of sprouting shoots, simply wrap the container with cling film plant. However, do not forget to follow the ginger, in fact because of the film will increase the humidity and the root may rot. Watering is carried out as it dries.
The first shoots you will see later, about a month after planting. Ginger - moisture-loving culture, which should be watered in a timely manner. Once every two weeks, you can make the bait organic fertilizers. Proper planting and competent care will lead to the fact that the root will increase markedly.
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