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Increase the yield of onions at times

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Big secret to how to achieve a large onion yields, but there are a number of actions, under which a large and juicy crop will not take long.

Let's start with the most important:

Proper preparation and disembarkation

Seed before planting, I am always processed in order to disinfect it and thus protect them from diseases and parasites that may be on the seedlings.
As the material for processing using brine or potassium permanganate solution after it is dried, in order to bow germinated faster, tops trimmed.

The landing place is necessary to bring in proper form.
Soil - dig and fertilize (manure, ash), make a small groove, usually it is always done in the fall.

I spend a landing in May, put at a distance from each other by 8-13 cm. so they do not interfere with each other to grow.

Care and collection

Watering doing guided by the weather, if it is often arid, if not, a smaller, more importantly profusely.
If suddenly bow yellow tips, then you need to urgently use fertilizer (brine or potassium permanganate solution).

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I spend the assembly by mid-August, on a sunny day, if you have rain, then I recommend to wait. After assembly bow sushim storing at room temperature can be important not to forget to touch it often to get rid of rotten onions.

By following these simple steps, you can increase the size of the crop at times.

I recommend reading:
Soda in the garden - 3 useful applications in the fall.
Accelerate the maturation of compost at times.
Plants that do not like the ash and where it can not be used.

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