Storing the secret cheese fresh for a long time at home.
There are few housewives who do not use hard cheese for the preparation of their dishes. This product is not only delicious, but also very useful. The calcium content in the solid cheese is much higher than in other dairy products. Therefore it is enough to eat a small piece of cheese to make up the required amount of calcium in the body.
In our family, the cheese used for cooking various dishes every day, so, not to run constantly after him to the shop, we buy a big enough piece and store it in the refrigerator. But there is a problem: how to keep the cheese fresh, delicious and without a solid crust?
It is not so easy, but we've got a little secret, passed on from generation to generation. Only thanks to this trick, we can eat fresh cheese every day, as if it had just been brought out of the store.
First of all it is necessary to buy in the store a plastic container with a lid of a size that was placed in him you bought a piece of cheese. Cheese will not absorb odors that sometimes appear in the refrigerator.
But the trick is to cheese in a container to put a piece of refined sugar. True products must not come into contact with each other. The very next day, you will see that the sugar began to saturate with moisture, preventing the mold formed on the cheese.
But it is necessary through the day 3-4 to replace sugar. After all, absorbing a lot of moisture, it could fall apart and make your sweet cheese.
I conducted an experiment during the week cheese is in a container in a friendly neighborhood with a piece of sugar.
When I took the cheese out of the refrigerator, the taste and smell is not deteriorated at all. The surface of the cheese does not harden, forming a crust, which usually have to be cut and discarded.
Here is a simple and not expensive way to store cheese is available in our family. Try it in practice, and you will not regret it!
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