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Secrets of care for winter garlic

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Secrets of care for winter garlic | ZikZak
Secrets of care for winter garlic | ZikZak

Garlic is fairly undemanding plant that copes well with both frost and drought. Many people almost forget to take care of him, occasionally basting and he still grows well. But if you want to have a large and healthy head - here are a few tips.

loosening the soil between the rows

Soil in winter garlic is necessary to loosen as soon as the snow come down, and will be the first shoots, then regularly repeat the procedure on the grounds that there was no solid crust. It retains moisture in the soil and nourishes the roots of oxygen for good growth.

watering garlic

Garlic does not require a lot of moisture, so even on the hottest days can be watered every 4-5 days, but in a more moderate and at all times in 8-10 days.

See also:
3 reasons that will make you eat garlic every day

Protection from pests.

Garlic and other plants in the garden, suffers from pests (eg, onion fly), do not forget about it. The most effective way to deal with them- saline. Dissolve 250 g of salt in a bucket of water and spray the aerial parts of garlic to get rid of pests.

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Nitrogen fertilization.

That garlic was great he needed nutrients, particularly his need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, it is necessary to feed a week after the snow melts, then another two weeks in mid-June. Best fit solutions urea and superphosphate.

Harvest time.

To this end, experienced gardeners have left a few arrows of garlic, and the rest are cut off. Once the wrapper on the arrows crack and begin to peek out the bulb of garlic can be pulled out.

Improvement of varieties.

For this purpose, you need to regularly planting of the crop using bulbochek. In the first year of cultivation are formed odnozubki to be planted in the second year. As a result, in the second year you get already mnogozubkovye heads of garlic, a variety rejuvenate.

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