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What to look for when choosing a watermelon? 5 important tips

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5 important tips for choosing watermelon | ZikZak
5 important tips for choosing watermelon | ZikZak

August is the month when the watermelon appears in virtually every Russian family and it can be compared with tangerines in the New Year. And along with watermelon recall and secrets how to choose the most delicious and juicy watermelon on the market. It is these secrets today and we'll talk - I will name just five, and you can add comments to this article.

The earthen spot

Earthy spot on watermelon speaks of maturity | ZikZak
Earthy spot on watermelon speaks of maturity | ZikZak

Yellow "earthy" spot - the spot, on which lay a watermelon during their maturation. At a ripe melon is the spot to be brownish-yellow color, but white spots color suggests that watermelon disrupted too early and it is not ripe.

By gender

More round watermelons are usually sweeter outstretched | ZikZak
More round watermelons are usually sweeter outstretched | ZikZak

Most gardeners tend to share a watermelon in the "boys" and "girls". Usually distinguish them easily in the form of watermelon: boys have a convex shape and they are watery, while girls are more round and much sweeter.

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according ponytail

watermelon tail can also tell about his maturity | ZikZak
watermelon tail can also tell about his maturity | ZikZak

And this method is one of the most popular used by people when choosing a watermelon. Dry at the base of the tail suggests that watermelon has definitely matured, while green indicates that watermelon disrupted too soon.

But in this method, there is an important detail - if watermelon tore a few days ago, his tail anyway dries, so be judged only by his silly.

By weight and volume

Big does not mean delicious | ZikZak
Big does not mean delicious | ZikZak

People in the market often takes possession of greed and they are trying to capture the most enormous watermelon, believing that he really better than others. In fact, often it is exactly the opposite - large watermelon watery and not as sweet as a medium-sized watermelons. In addition, increases the risk that the growing use different chemicals that watermelon has grown larger.

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