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Trick or deception? As product manufacturers save on buyers

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As product manufacturers save on buyers? | ZikZak
As product manufacturers save on buyers? | ZikZak

More and more people are looking closely at the prices in the stores before buying, because they sometimes grow by leaps and bounds. Some prices for the year increased by 20-25%, but with you our salaries do not always keep up with them.

But that's not all. As the saying goes, "the trouble came to open the gates," because now I'll introduce you to another disaster buyers, which has an unusual name - daunsayzing.

What is daunsayzing?

What is daunsayzing? | ZikZak
What is daunsayzing? | ZikZak

I think you'll understand yourself as soon learn the literal translation of the word. The word consists of two down (down) and size (the size), Which translates as "size / volume reduction". You guessed what I mean?

Yeah, right. We'll talk with you about a reduction in the volume of products in stores. Surely you yourself have already met such products, for example, a box of milk volume of 950 ml. instead of the usual cream or liters capacity of 180-200 grams instead of our usual 250 grams.

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How did daunsayzing?

In fact, it appeared for a long time. Back in 2015 the Government drew the attention of producers that food prices should not grow rapidly. In this regard, the producers had to find a solution to this "problem" that their income did not fall. And they began to volume products.

Gradually, this phenomenon has spread to virtually all products, even though many of habit and did not pay attention. Though now for the same money, buyers get a little less:

  • beer - instead of 0.5 liters get 0.45;
  • fruit juice - instead of buying a liter of 0.95 - 0.97 liters;
  • powder, fabric softener - also at 50-60 ml. less;
  • bakery products - many note that the weight of the loaf becomes less and less;
  • chocolate - and it becomes true air, instead of 100 grams obtain 95 grams;
  • and so on...

Enough to consider a penny!

Many people think that it's a penny, and pay attention to it is not necessary. But if you carefully calculate their purchases, it is now one average trip to the store the buyer loses 50-70 rubles more, since receiving fewer goods for the same amount of money.

By the way, I recently wrote an article about how Some cashiers began to deceive customers at the checkout. I advise you to take a look!

What do we expect next?

In fact, things are not so bad and are already discussing a bill in the State Duma, which will set the standard for the volume and dimensions of the goods. If this law is passed, we will soon know exactly will that buys exactly one liter of milk and you have not selected the "sip". Personally, I fully will support this law.

But until the law is discussed, we should look more closely at the products that we buy and use the shops that do not allow themselves to such nasty tricks.

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