Rediskovye stories from my friends and my smallest
I'm on radishes breathe smoothly, grow in the spring, like everyone else. Radish in our family no one likes.
But among my friends and acquaintances are the real fans. Their stories are so simple and entertaining, I decided to share them. Nothing that offseason. Interesting, it's always interesting. The stories in the first person.
As radish pests deceived
This simple and difficult. It is important to guess the period of the autumn sowing. If the guess is correct, then the beauty will grow radishes. And the pests do not even think to look for her. They hibernate under the plan.
Late autumn has happened out of the snow to collect radishes, when snow fell on the warm earth.
Autumn radish most delicious, juicy and negorkaya. It is not necessary to water, moisture enough.
By the way, radish leaves we eat. Often, the root is not good, and the leaves are always ready to get into the salad. And hodgepodge do with them, and add to the soup.
This year, the young leaves of daikon tried: like edible!
A mistake by the month, and a very different picture
In past years, sow radish in late July. I grew: two feet long, 5 cm thick. The snow-white beauty! It was very exciting to try to dig the whole thing :)
And this year has sown a month later, now in the garden of my curly adorn the wall outlet with a small root. That's right, 15 years, with a large daikon, and this year a little daikon.
Small freezer daikon is easy to tolerate.
Sow radishes every week
I radish and summer growing under the arches with the cover material (the thinnest)
- so that the color is gone,
- and that cruciferous midge is not found.
The blessing we are not giving, and his house with a garden. I am watering directly on the material.
Grade I alone, without a name. A small part is still in the color of leaves, collect their seeds.
I asked almost all the neighbors: why arcs radishes with covering materials? So every week, I sow radishes, and she likes a short day. Where am I her summer short day take? Here is the covering material, and reduces the amount of light.
I'd add
To my surprise, on well-fertilized soil radishes grow well at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Thin out once there was no time, here are learned. It was a hybrid of Alice F1. The leaves are very small, too unusual.
Another concluded that tsvetushnosti radish is highly dependent on the variety. It seems that there are varieties indifferent to the length of the day.
Does anyone have a favorite varieties of radish? For me:)
And daikon? For other subscribers :)
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