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Sand for construction. In the store you do not tell the truth.

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During the construction of houses using a variety of materials and in different quantities. But sand accounts for a very significant part of all volumes.

That's just, sand sand discordAnd where you can use one, the other there will not work.

But it happens and vice versa, when the sand with very good quality used where its performance is simply not needed.

Therefore, in order not to overpay where it should not need to deal with this issue.

The main types of sand that are used in the construction pit, river and sea. The popularity and availability, probably depends on the region where it is located.

I will not go into the structure and chemical composition, We are important characteristics and accordingly the application.The characteristics of these differences:

Pit sand.

Is an the lowest quality, due to the presence of inclusions of clay and stones. Therefore, it is suitable only for leveling and bedding portion for foundations.

By the way, you can improve the quality and by washing (so make production and locations obtained precoat sand) or as many building sites, sieving through a sieve.

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River sand.

He, as the name implies, is extracted from the rivers, and turns cleansed of impurities by nature. There's no clay and little stones. Accordingly, already suitable for demanding applicationsFor example in concrete manufacture.

Sea sand.

Well, this stuff is already elite. Quality it best, very low content of impurities. Besides various mortars it can be used for decorative purposes because of beige and perfectly rounded grains.

The price for all these kinds of sand, as you know, is different and accordingly increases in the same order.

But the rules are always exceptions.

Just keep in mind that all exceptions are made at your own risk.

It is clear that very few people would think to align your site sea sand, but there is a "smart" salesmen that and it may be for someone to coerce.

More often the other way around. Everyone wants to save money.

And that is where you need to understand where you save.

I believe that you can not save on critical structures.

For example the same pit sand used to fill the grounds under the fence posts, to footing for the foundation.

Here at home I have saved on the sand when the flooded cellar as special loads, he does not feel.

Only, in any case, do not skimp on the foundation and ceilings.

But the bulk of savings in the sand I came when backfilling the foundation cushion.

I'm talking about this before heardBut then I was offered sand / used

At first I did not understand how and what it is ???

It turns out this is the same sand (I think a career), but which taken from the base of the destroyed houses or old roads. The only thing that meet the inclusion of land, but it is locally, and can be easily separated. Only once brought a car that does not fit. The difference is visible.

But most importantly, the price is almost twice lower than in the career. It turns out though that I slept about 10 cars under the foundation and has strengthened the access to the site, the savings turned out good.

Construction of the house - it is a permanent decision.

And in this case you need to have a balance and not to rush from one extreme to another, trying to do everything unjustifiably high qualitySpending a lot of money, or vice versa to save on everything at the expense of reliability.

About how I used in the construction of your home, look at my channel.

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