How not to get to a tidy sum in the construction of a country house?
Construction has become much harder at home than it was, say, 50 years ago. The program includes at least now the electricity, communications, water supply and other facilities, without which our ancestors treated.
Why it is important to project the future home?
To build a reliable solid house, which is idle for more than 100 years without a problem, many factors must be considered. The design should be ready for additional loads. For this is the exact design of the house, which takes into account all the wishes of the future homeowner. Build a house without a plan is dangerous, since any change in the total destruction may result in design. The savings on the project at home can lead to cost tens of times greater than the time saved!
Why is it important to do geological research?
Even the most solid house, built exactly according to the technology can in an instant collapse of the changes in the land on which it stands. This can be avoided by making a geological survey of your site. The only way to be sure of the complete structure of security!
The lion of the destruction of country houses is due to the above 2 reasons. Take responsibility for construction of houses to all of the trouble has left you out.
House design, as well as geological surveys, you can order any reliable construction company. Here's how to find and choose a reliable builder, I'll tell you in the following articles.
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