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Warming of the balcony without the "cold bridges": method, tested on personal experience

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With a view of insulation and thickness, we have already decided. For those who came to the channel for the first time, the links to the articles listed at the end. Now traditionally a bit of theory and then the practical part. From the article, you will learn how to properly insulate the walls of the balcony, and what types of fixing insulation boards led to a marked freezing. Tell us about your mini-experiment. Very interesting to see what the outcome of this adventure.

My version of warming.
My version of warming.

Options fixing insulation

I know the three common ways of fixing polystyrene for insulation of the balcony:

  • Integration with the frame. Mounted on a wall of the guide frame for plasterboard or wooden bars. Between the guide is laid insulation. Top is sewn all drywall, paneling or other sheet materials.
  • On dowels for insulation ( "umbrella"). insulation sheets pointwise or along the perimeter of the adhesive plaster cement mixture and is fixed on the surface. For greater strength on the entire surface-mounted dowels umbrellas.
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  • In the adhesive compositions (cement mixture, adhesive foam). Insulation is glued to the wall, evenly distributing the adhesive composition of its surface.

What a way to select the attachment


Any framework violates the integrity of the insulation circuit. Metallic inclusions freeze fastest. The thermal conductivity of wooden bars, too, is very different from the thermal conductivity of insulation. Take a look at Snip of Thermal Engineering and see for yourself. I'm not talking about the condensate accumulation and the systematic decay of the wood. From frame fasteners definitely refuse. Even if you offer to take it off the wall on the suspensions for the FCL. FRAMES NO. DOT!

On the "umbrella"

This is a normal, standard way of mounting a heater. On the facades and tall structures can not do without it. Dowels do not allow material to move away from the wall. At warming the balcony of their use is not always justified. At low altitude may be fastened to the adhesive materials without the "umbrella".

Dowel justify themselves on the balcony only when mounted on the wall curves too. When you attach the foam on the so-called "splash" or "dollop" of glue, better safe than sorry "umbrella."

Note! At the core of the metal dowels, which also holds the cold. With this, of course, it can be tolerated. But now on sale is the "umbrella" with a core of fiberglass. It is better to take advantage of them.


I believe this method is optimal for the balcony. The main thing is that the walls were smooth. We notched trowel to apply the adhesive to the entire surface and is pressed against the primed wall. I describe briefly fixation strength. I'm stuck in this way a small cube of expanded polystyrene to the wall. A few days later he tried to tear off. He exploded himself insulation. Clay holds is dead!

At warming the balcony I strongly zamorochitsya insulation. And not in vain, the first winter showed an excellent result! In addition be sure to insulate the floor and the ceiling to the walls. On the ceiling, as opposed to vertical surfaces, as they say, "God himself ordered" extra set "umbrellas". But the experiment in an attempt to detach from the wall foam cube encouraged me to adventure.

I spat on common sense, and even on the ceiling decided to abandon the anchors. "But is not the point thermal bridges from steel cores" - I consoled myself. Origin polystyrene sheet stuck very accurately. I prepared and placed next to several long planks. Planned use as backups until the adhesive solution was grasped. But props are not needed. The sheet gripped so that it was difficult to peel even with fresh solution.

That's really half a year has passed, the winter was over, and my ceiling clings without anchors, rail and other fixtures. What do you think will last a long time warming the ceiling? Or wait until something fall on his head? And today I have everything. Tomorrow will tell you how to cut styrofoam to get perfectly straight, both factory edges.

I have to ask you - appreciate the post.

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